
Early National Development from the Founding Era through the Civil War

  • Virginia

    1607 Jamestown was settled by the British and in 1624 became a royal colony.
  • New York

    New York
    Founded as the "New Netherlands" by the Dutch. And was later taken over by the Duke of York. In 1664 New York became a royal colony
  • Mayflower Lands

    Mayflower Lands
    The Mayflower saild from Plymoth England in July of 1620 carring over 130 passengers. After a long and horrible jouny the "Pillgrims" landed in the New Wolrd September 9th, 1620.
  • Massachusetts Settled by the Puritans

    Massachusetts Settled by the Puritans
  • Maryland

    Founded by Lord Baltimore.
  • Rhode Island

    Rhode Island
    Founded by Roger Williams and Anne Hutchinson. Rhode Island became a royal colony in 1636.
  • Connecticut

    Started by people leaving Massachusetts. Founded when 3 settelments united. They later created the first constitution in the America's.
  • North/South Carolina

    North/South Carolina
    In 1663 founded as one settlment. In 1729 became 2.
  • New Jersey

    New Jersey
    Starting as two seprate settlements given to the Duke of York. In 1702 the two settlements united as one and became a royal colony.
  • Delaware

    Founded by the Dutch as "New Sweden". Surrendered to the Duke of York and was made part of Pennsyvania. 1703 became its own legisalture.
  • New Hampshire

    New Hampshire
    1622 land grand given to John Mason Controlled by Massachusetts until receiving royal charter. 1979 New Hampshire became a Royal Colony.
  • Pennsylvania

    Founded by William Penn and grew to be one of the largest colonies.
  • Georgia

    Founed by James Oglethorpe upon Brithish command. 1752 became royal colony.
  • Battles of Lexington and Concord

    Battles of Lexington and Concord
    The Battles of Lexington and Concord were the first military engagements of the American Revolutionary War.
  • Saratoga and Valley Forge

    Saratoga and Valley Forge
    In 1777 the British attempted to wipe out the flickering revolt by a concerted plan to split the colonies with converging expeditions concentrated upon the Hudson valley.
  • Constitutional Convention

    Constitutional Convention
    The Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia met between May and September of 1787 to address the problems of the weak central government that existed under the Articles of Confederation.
  • James Madison and the War of 1812

    The War of 1812 was a military conflict, lought by the United States of America against the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, its North American colonies, and its American Indian allies.
  • Period: to

    The Antebellum Period

    The Antebllum Period was a time after the War of 1812 and before the Civil War. Key points of this time include:
    -The Cotton Economy In The South
    -Early Industrialization and the Rise in Manufacturing in the North
    -Penny Press and Affordable Newspapers
    -Canals, Turnpikes, and Early Railroads
    -Pre-Civil War Slave Rebellions
    -The Pre-Civil War Rise of Abolitionist Movement
  • American Civil War Starts

    American Civil War Starts
    Decades of simmering tensions between the northern and southern United States over issues including states’ rights versus federal authority, westward expansion and slavery exploded into the American Civil War.
  • The End of the American Civil War

    The End of the American Civil War
    April 9th, 1865 Robert E. Lee’s surrender.
  • Period: to

    The Reconstruction Period

    Under the administration of President Andrew Johnson, new southern state legislatures passed restrictive “black codes” to control the labor and behavior of former slaves and other African Americans.