Early Modern Time (1450 - 1750)

  • Period: Jan 1, 1450 to

    Age of Exploration

    European exploration through Africa, Asia, and the Americas for spices, gold, goods, and other sources of wealth.
  • Jan 1, 1488

    Bartholomew Diaz

    Discovered the southern tip of Africa and proved that ships could reach Asia by sailing around Africa
  • Aug 3, 1492

    Columbus sets sailed

    Christopher Columbus travels the Atlantic to search for a new route to go to India
  • Oct 12, 1492

    Arrival of Columbus to the New World

    Christopher Columbus lands in what he thought was India, but actually was the islands of the Caribbean
  • Jan 1, 1494

    Treaty of Tordesillas

    Treaty gave Portugal control of Brazil and Spain got the rest of South America
  • Jan 1, 1497

    Vasco da Gama

    Discovered a new water route to Asia and round the tip of Africa to India
  • Jan 1, 1500

    The Columbian Exchange

    Traded goods from the Old World to the New World
  • Period: Jan 1, 1500 to

    The Atlantic Slave Trade

    Slaves were brought to the Americas and sold at auctions
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Martin Luther's 95 Theses

    Luther wrote and nailed a paper that held 95 theses on the Castle Church which was of his disapproval and frustration on how the Roman Catholic worked.
  • Jan 1, 1519

    Aztecs conquered

    Lands of the Aztecs get conquered by Hernan Cortes
  • Sep 20, 1519

    Voyage of Magellan

    Ferdinand Magellan sets sail from Spain to find a western sea route to Indonesia.
  • Jan 1, 1532

    Incas conquered

    Lands of the Incas get conquered by Francisco Pizarro
  • Portuguese's Trading Post Empire Falling

    Portuguese could never succeed in controlling more than half of the spice trade because of European power and Asian states.
  • Period: to

    Japan became isolated

    After Japan unified politically by military commanders, they saw Europeans as a threat and impose rules towards them and Christians.