Oct 19, 1469
Fernando of Aragón and Isabel of Castilla
Fernando of Áragon and Isabel of Castilla married. And they were the Catholic Monarch. -
Jan 1, 1474
Enrique died. -
Jan 1, 1478
The inquisition
Fernando and Isabel do the inquisition. They torture people, that not are from their relition. -
Dec 11, 1479
Enrique's death
When Enrique died Isabel of Castilla declared that she was queen. But Juana also wanted to we queen. And Isabel won the war between they. -
Jan 1, 1492
Fernado and isabel expled jewish peolpe from thir kingdom
They explled jewish peolpe from thir kingdom. They do when the reconquist finis. And they expand their kingdom to Navarra,Melilla and Canary Islans. -
Jan 1, 1492
Conquerd Granada
The Catholic Monarchs conquerd granada and was the end of the reconquist. -
Oct 12, 1492
Descobery of America
Christopher Columbus, discovered America, with 3 boats that were called, The Pinta, The Santa María and the Niña. And was the end of the reconquista. -
Jan 1, 1497
Juan was died. He died before be the king of Castilla and Aragón. -
Jan 1, 1500
the princess Isabel
The princess Isabel died. -
Jan 1, 1516
Fernando of Aragón
Before he died he help the husband of he's son. Fernando of Aragón died. -
Jan 1, 1519
Hernaàn cortes went to Mexico
Hernàn cortès went to Mexico. And rapt the king of Mexico. -
Jan 1, 1519
Fernando Magallanes
Fernando Magallanes was the first to cross the Pacific Ocean. He rapt the king od Peru. -
Jan 1, 1521
Fernando Magallanes deid
He cross the Pacific Ocean and arrived in Philippines and there was killed in a battle. -
Jan 1, 1522
Juan sebastian elcano
Juan Sebastian Elcano arrived to Spain. -
Jan 1, 1532
Franzisco pizaro
Pranzisco pizaro went to Peru. -
Carlos II
Carlos II was died. -
Period: to
Felipe V
The reign of Felipe V was very long. -
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Fernando VI
He's reing was very sort. -
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Carlos III
He's reign is not very long. -
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Carlos IV
He's reing was very long. -
French Revolution
The French Revolution was a time of conflict in France that eventually ended the monarchy in the country. And they killed the queen and a lot of people more.