Period: 1509 to 1547
Reing of Henry VIII
The "Ninety-Five Theses" by Martin Luther
The Tyndal Bible
Act of Supremacy of Henry VIII
Period: 1534 to
Early Modern Period
Period: 1536 to 1537
Pelgrimage of Grace
Authorisation of the translation of the Bible into English
Period: 1547 to 1553
Reign of Edward VI
The "Book of Common Prayer" by Edward VI
Period: 1553 to 1558
Reign of Mary Tudor
Period: 1558 to
Reign of Elizabeth I
Act of Supremacy of Elizabeth I
Act of Uniformity
Period: 1563 to 1571
The 39 Articles of Faith
The Northern Rebelion
Excommunication of Elizabeth I by the Pope Pius V
The Treasons Act
The 1581 Act
The Badington plot
Execution of Mary of Scots
The Defeat of the Spanish Armada
King James I crowned
Period: to
Reign of James I
The Gunpowder Plot
The Great Conctract
King James I Bible
Period: to
The Thirty Years War
Period: to
The Reign of Charles I
Petition of rights
Period: to
The Personnal Rule
The Bishops War
Period: to
The Scottish Crisis
The Scottish National Covenant
The Peace Treaty
The Short Parliament
The Irish Rebelion
The Grande Remontrance
Milicia Act
War King VS Parliament
Period: to
English civil war
Battle of Naseby
Charles I escape
Charles I exectuted
Period: to
The Interregnum
Cromwell defeats the Scots army
Blasphemy Act
Cromwell disolved the Parliament
Military Protectorate
Cromwell died
Charles II restoration
Period: to
Reign of Charles II
Act of Uniformity
The popish plot
Period: to
The exclusion crisis
Charles II died
Toleration Act
The Bill of Right
The act of Settlement
Act of Union