Early Modern Period

  • Jan 1, 1450


    The developement of the printing press, used to print many copies of books and fliers, is where modern Jewish History begins. Johannes Gutenberg created the printing press in Germany in order for people to have access to knowledge (from books). Not only was the Printing Press a huge technology advancement in the 1450's, but it also helped to spread knowledge among the Jews, get them get into universities, and let the Jews preserve their laws by printing copies of mishnot and other books.
  • Dec 5, 1450

    Jews Expelled from Eastern Germany

    The Jews in Bavaria, eastern Germany, were not obeying the religious laws, they could not pay the high taxes, and many natives persecuted them. For this reason, they were expelled from Bavaria and had to find safety in a place that allowed Jews to practice Judaism.
  • May 29, 1453


    Constantinople fell to the hands of the Turks. The Turks gave refuge to Jews because they allowed religious tolerance.
  • Sep 15, 1475

    Rashi's Commentary on the Torah is Published

    Because of the Printing Press, it was easier to print copies of books-- which was helpful for the Jews who wanted to spread the halachot and be able to explain the Torah to the entire world.
  • Sep 15, 1483

    Tractate Berakhot of the Babylonian Talmud

    The Socinos, who were a printing family in Italy, printed the first Mishna Torah in the 1500's, and also printed the Tractate Berakhot.
  • Oct 3, 1492

    Spanish Expulsion

    Jews expelled from Spain --> they need to find a A) Open-minded society (religiously tolerant) B) Vibrant Economy (need $$)
  • Sep 13, 1517

    Martin Luther

    Martin Luther used the printing press to print copies of the German bible in order to prove his case that what the church was teaching was wrong. The church taught that you were allowed to buy your way out of a crime you commited. Luther printed 1,000 copies of the bible and gave them out to prove his point.
  • Oct 8, 1550


    1) Rav Isaac Luria creates Kabbalah
    2) Explains why bad things happen to the Jews
    3) Man needs to do Tikkun Olam in order to be redeemed
  • Oct 3, 1560


    1. Tzvat attracts artists, lunatics, + Kabbalah/mysticism.
    2. Rav Isaac Luria begins to rethink Kabbalah -Need to do Tikkun Olam for redemption.
  • Oct 8, 1575

    Chaim Vital Dies

    1) Successor to Isaac Luria --> sworn to kabbalah secrecy
    2) Merchant recieves the Kabbalh in exchange for $$ --> brings it to Venice
    3) Knowledge of Kabbalah explosion in Venice
    -Trading port
    -Jewish community
    -Printing Press
  • Oct 3, 1580

    Jews in Venice

    1. Jews travel to venice -there are canals
      • other Jews -Jews are essential (finance)
    2. Ghettos -Secluded community -PRO: tight social networks (self government) -CON: Nosy
  • Baruch Spinoza

    Put into cherem, ;eft the Jewish community, but he did not convert, thus making him the first modern Jew.
  • Edict of Toleration

    Joseph II passes laws which give the Jews more rights under his rule. They could, own factories, send their kids to public schools, and live outside the Jewish quarter.
  • Moses Mendelson

    Mendelssohn was a Jewish thinker of the European Enlightenment. He believed that reason was very important and brought this idea into the lives of many Jews. He believed that Jews needed to live in a peaceful society, but still maintain their laws. He also tried to form a stronger bond between Jews and Christians.
  • French Revolution

    The French uprooted classic ideas of their time such as monarchy and the feudal system-- because of the Enlightenment ideas. These ideas included popular soveirneighty. The French Revolution caused more securalism.
  • Emancipation of the Jews of France

    Jews were given rights as citizens. Good: they had more rights. Bad: how far will they go to assimilate into the others' culture?
  • Berr Isaac Berr

    Berr Isaac Berr was part of a group that was sent to Paris to argue for Jewish rights. After 2 years, the National Assembly grants rights to the Jews. He writes a letter on the eve of the Emancipation saying that Jews need to change their attitude. Now that the Jews are accepted as equals, they need to become more accepting of their rights as citizens. Causes the Jews to think about their identity--> they need to modernize.
  • First Reform Shul

    In Hamburg, Germany Jews build a temple with modern ideas to compromise everything that was happening outside of the "Jewish world." This included, music in shul, Rabbi's speech given in the common language, and take out prayers that have to do with national restoration & miracles. This was an effort to make people who wanted to leave Judaism all together & convert, continue to be Jewish.
  • Orthodoxy

    As a reaction to Reform Judaism, Orthodoxy begins. This creates even stricter laws, which make it harder for the Jews to assimilate.