Early Middle Ages

  • 395

    Division of the Roman Empire

    Division of the Roman Empire
    Theodosius divided the Roman Empire in two halves
  • 409

    Vandals, Alans and Sueves

    Vandals, Alans and Sueves
    Vandals, Alans and sueves invaded the Iberian peninsula
  • 476

    The Fall of the western Roman Empire

    The last Roman emperor Romulus Augustulus is deposed bay Odoacrus
  • 507

    Battle of Voullié

    The Visigoths were defeted by the Franks
  • 575


    Leovigildo unified the kingdom of Toledo
  • 589


    Recaredo converted into Catholicism.
  • 654


    Liber Iudicorum
  • 711

    Muslim invasion of the Iberian peninsula

  • 732

    Battle of Poitiers

    The Muslims were dfeated by Charles Martel