early man

  • Australopithercus Afarensis

    Australopithercus Afarensis
    Australopithercus Afarensis was short with a size of3 ft. tall. They had Had a mix of ape and human features-large head, forehead, and had a jaw that stuck out.thhey were around in Africa about 4 million years ago BCE. There were no tools found made by them, but they were able to walk on two feet so they could carry items, gather and hunt food,and deffend themselves.
  • Homo Habilis

    Homo Habilis
    Homo Habilis was around about 2 million years ago in Africa. aThey were biped and were a combonation of of human and ape features and were taller than 3 ft. and larger brains and a little more human like. They kept thier tools simple like using rocks for chopping, sharp stone for cutting, and bones for digging. With tools they could take meat from animals and may have made traps for small animals.
  • Homo Erectus

    Homo Erectus
    Homo Erectus was around about 2 million years ago BCE. They lived in Java, off the Asian coast. They may have been as tall as modern humans. They had large ridges above their eyes and their jaws stuck out. They created hand axes and could have made fire and had huts for shelter
  • Homo Sapiens Neanderthalsenis

    Homo Sapiens Neanderthalsenis
    The Homo Sapiens were around 230,000 to 30,000 years ago BCE. They lived in Africa,near East Europe, and Asia. They walked upright alough, shorter than mordern humans and stronger. They made over 60 different types of tools from knives and scrapers to spaers and blades. They hunted in organized groups and had a sense of community.
  • Homo Sapiens Sapiens

    Homo Sapiens Sapiens
    Homo Sapiens Sapiens lived around 35,000 to 12,000 years ago BCE. They Originginated in Africa, but spreded to Europe, Asia, Australia, and North and south America. They ha high rounded skulls, larger brains, small teeth, and slender bones. They attached thin blades to boneand antler and stone for a wide variety of tools. They also had needles for sewing. They could sew, fish, make shelters from Earth and stones, Invented spear thrower, and bow and arrow and had some language.