Early man

early man

  • Australopithecus Aferensis

    Australopithecus Aferensis
    Latin Name: Australapithecus aferensis ( Southern Ape) The Southern ape lived 3-4 million years ago they lived in Africa. Had very long arms and hands and feet like us. The southern ape's jaw stuck out. We do not know what tools they used. Some of the skills they had are they walked on 2 feet had long arms that could carry and gather
  • Period: to

    time line of early man

    5 hominids
  • Homo Habilus

    Homo Habilus
    Latin Name: Homo Habilis (handy man) handy man lived in Africa 1.5-2 million years ago. Handy man had larger brains
    than the southern ape and looked more like modern humans too.
    Some tools included rocks for chopping,sharp stones for cutting, and bones for digging. The capabilities of handy man are they seemed to live in groups so they worked together also they walked on 2 feet.
  • Homo Erectus

    Homo Erectus
    Latin Name: Homo Erectus (Upright Man) lived 1.8 million-200,000 thousand years ago they are located in Aasia were skinny & tall had round smooth foreheads. Their jaw sticks out of skull. Tools are hand axes,stone,& fire. The Upright Man was
    the first to migrate, made homes, good at running and walking
    survived longer than other hominids
  • Homo Sapiens

    Homo Sapiens
    Latin Name: Homo Sapiens (Neanderthalensis) Lived 250,000-30,000 years ago. Lived in Neander Valley, Germany, Europe, Africa, and parts of Asia.

    They had thick bones, a ridge above the eyebrows,, and they were shorter, stockier, stronger, and had large brains.
    They had more than 60 types of tools. They lived and traveled in groups. The first Hominid to bury their dead and had early doctors.
  • Homo Sapiens Sapiens

    Homo Sapiens Sapiens
    Latin Name: Home sapiens sapiens (Doubly wise man). Originated in Africa and migrated around the globe. Lived 35,000-12,000 years ago.

    They had high, rounded skulls, small teeth, thin bones. Some tools they had included engraving and sculpting tools, needles for sewing. They had shelters of earth and stone. They had better tools, better shelter and clothing.