baby hitler
Adolf Hitler was born on April 20th 1889 -
birthplace of adolf hitler
Adolf Hitler was raisd in the Upper Austrian border town Braunau am Inn, located approximately 65 miles east of Munich and nearly 30 miles north of Salzburg. -
hitler's moving date
In 1898, the Hitler family moved to Linz, the capital of Upper Austria. -
hitler's father
january 3rd 1903 Aloise Hitler died -
dropout days
Hitler dropped out of high school at age 16 -
hitler's reaon to move to vienna
hiter's key influence to move to vienna was that Karl Lueger, Mayor of Vienna was his role model and wanted to become a artist -
adolf mother's death
Adolf hitler's mother died December 1st 1907 -
hitler moving again
Hitler moved to Vienna in February 1908 -
hitler moved from vienna
Hitler moved from Vienna May 1st 1913 -
hitler was blind by the mustard gernande -
joined the party
He joined the German Workers' Party (precursor of the NSDAP) in 1919 -
rulers date
hitler gained control over germny in became the baddest most evilest person to ever be a ruler