Early Ideas about Evolution

By KKozbur
  • Carolus Linnaeus

    Carolus Linnaeus
    He developed a system to classify and name living things based on similarities.
  • Georges Louis Leclerc de Buffon

    Georges Louis Leclerc de Buffon
    Published "Histoire Naturelle" and it proposed the idea that animals shared ancestors, instead of arising seperately.
  • James Hutton

    James Hutton
    Published "Theory of the Earth", and proposed that changes to the Earth happen gradually, and not by a single large event (Gradualism).
  • Erasamus Darwin

    Erasamus Darwin
    Published "Zoonomia" which proposed the idea that all living things are descended from a common ancestor. Also Charles Darwin's grandfather.
  • Jean-Baptiste Lamarck

    Jean-Baptiste Lamarck
    Published "Philosophie Zoologique" which proposed that living things evolved towards complexity and perfection. It proposed that the changes in environment would lead to changes in an organism which would be passed down to the offspring.
  • Georges Cuvier

    Georges Cuvier
    Developed the idea for Catastrophism in his essay about the theory of the Earth.
  • Charles Lyell

    Charles Lyell
    Published "Principles of Geology" in it, he proposed the ideas of Uniformitarianism, which means that changes occur at a constant rate and are a key to the past.