Period: to
Australopithcus Afaresis (southern ape)4 million to 3 million years B.C.E
Australopithecus afarenis, southern ape, was a group of early homoinids that lived from 4million tho 3 million years B.C.E in Africa. They had large protruding heads and jaws. They were about 3 feet tall with large head and arms. They had no tools except for hands. One of their capabilities were that they were bipedal which leaves their hands free to carry children or gather. -
Homo Habilis (handy man)2 million to 1.5 million years B.C.E
Homo habilis, handy man, lived from 2 million to 1.5 million years B.C.E in Africa. They were about 4 feet tall and like Australopithecus afarenis, they had a mixture of human and ape features. They made simple tools like rocks for chopping tools and hard pieces of stone. There capabilities include living together and making simple tools which helps them survive easier. -
Homo Erectus (upright man)1.8 million to 200,000 years B.C.E
Homo erectus, upright man, was the first homoinid group to migrate out of Africa. They lived in Asia and Europe between 1.8 million and 200,000 B.C.E. Homo erectus was tall and thin, with strong bones and a smooth rounded forehead. They had ridges that stuck out over the eye, and protruding jaws. Homo erectus used complex tools like strong, hard axes of stone. Their capability was that they were nomadic and they could follow food and travel to colder/hotter cimates. -
Homo sapiens neanderthalenses (neanderthal man) 230,000 to 30,000 years B.C.E
Homo Sapiens neanderthalensis, neanderthal man, lived in Africa, Near East, Europe, and Parts of Asia. They lived from 230,00 to 30,00 years B.C.E. They had large brains and were stocky and strong. Some of the tools they created were knives, scrapers and spears. They created over 60 types of tools. They were the first hominids to bury her dead and take care of their injured or sick so there were more peaple to help hunt or gather. -
homo sapiens sapiens (dubly wise man) 35,000 to 12,000
Homo Sapiens, doubly wise man, are the first modern humans. They lived in Africa, Europe, Asia, and Australia from 35,000 to 12,000 years B.C.E. Homo Sapiens Sapiens had rounded skulls, small teeth and slender bones. They made spear throwers and bows and arrows. Homo Sapiens Sapiens are the first cave painters and they could record their lives.