Early Humans Timeline

  • Australopithecus afarensis

    Australopithecus  afarensis
    Australopithecus afarens is the aminal lived about 3 million years ago.The fossils were found in northern Africa; north eastern Ethiopia, Tanzania and Kenya. A afarensis had smaller canines and molars compared to some apes. It's jaws came out and its brain was small (380-430cm3). The pelvis was a lot like a human and it had bipedality so it could walk. Its feet had big toes so it did not climb trees.They used stone tools to carve meat from animal carcasses.
  • Homo habilis

    Homo habilis
    Homo habilis means an able and skillful man. It lived about 2.3 million years ago in eastern and southern Africa. They had a little bit bigger brain than the Australopithecus and their body was about half the size of a human.They were bipeds and were able to use and press their thumb and fingertips together. They were known for tools and making tools that they could use to get to the marrow that was inside the bone. One important quality they were known for was the ability to rip meat off the
  • Homo erectus

    Homo erectus
    Homo erecutus means upright man. It lived about 2 millon to 200,000 in Africa Western Aisa, Eastern Aisa and south east of indondsia. They had thick bones he had a hunched over posture it had a large brow ridge and thick skull bones the brain size was less than a human but bigger than Homo Habilis. The Homo erectus were known for fire and it was the most important thing they had it was importend because they can cook meat and more importently they could make tough veggies easier to eat.
  • Homo sapiens

    Homo sapiens
    Homo sapiens means wise man. The Homo sapiens lived around 150,000 to 200,000 The Homo sapiens were located in Ethopia,Europe and Asia. It had a sticking out face no chin a large brow ridge human size brain and a skull that is longer from front to back than a human skull they also had shorter arms and legs than eny other human. It was known for there mastering the control of fire and there efficient techniques to produce stone tools to carve meat.
  • Homo sapien sapien

    Homo sapien sapien
    Homo sapien sapien means a knowing man. The homo sapien sapien lived around 200,000 to 50,000. The homo sapien sapien originated In Africa. It had a much larger brain abou 14,000 cm a power and precision grip a reduced masticatory system reduced K9 tooth and a larynx and hyoid bone so they could talk they also had ovulation. It was known for its disire to understand and influence there environment they are the only speices known to build fires cook there food clothe themselves create art and us