australopitherus afarensis
4 million years ago lucy lived in africa. The people or apes were 3.3 feet tall and mostly looked like apes. they had no tools besids there hands to hunt, gather, and kill.there biggest skill was to walk on two feet and have two hands free. First bones found in 1901. -
Homo habilis lived 1.8 million years ago. They also lived in Africa but a foot taller than Lucy. There tools were bones from animal hide becaues it had a good killing potentiol. They were smarter so they were able to use more brain pwer to actuly make tools. First bones found 1902. -
At about 1.5 million years ago in Asia,Europe,Africa is where the up right man man had romed the earth. The up right man was 5.5 feet the man looked like the worlds hairyest man.They were so smart that they said hey why dont we ue this hard rock and put it on a bone and us it for hunting. There skill was to make more complex tools then any other ape or person before there kind. First bones found 1903. -
The wise men were on the earth 250,000 years ago.the countrys that they were in were Africa,Europe,Asia. They were as tall as a teen they were 5.5 feet tall and were really. Looked half man half ape. They used spears with stone tips stones were one of the main things used in the prehistoric times. The wise men were great and mighty hunters. There best skill was makeing stone tiped weapons with sharp tips. First bones found 1904. -
Modern humans lived from 35,000 years ago to modern day history. We live everywhere in the world from jungles to big citys. A full grown human is a 6.0 to a 7.0 man. There tools were a bone bow with a vine sling and a arow with fethers antlers or bone. modern humans bigest skill is to always think things through befor we do it. First bones found in 1905.