Period: 46 BCE to 38 BCE
Earth's Planetary Accretion
Roughly 4.6 billion years ago, meteors and other materials such as clouds and dust collied into the newly formed Solar System. The rocky materials soon clumped together and formed the Earth. (This is set to scale in billions. So 460 BCE is actually 4.5 billion years, and 400 is actually 4 billion years.) -
Period: 45 BCE to 43 BCE
Moon is Formed
It is said that the moon was made roughly the same time as the Earth, being another terrestrial body that was created from the heavy bombardment and materials floating around space. It is believed that due to the heavy bombarment constantly crashing against the Earth, chunks flew off and collided together creating the Moon. -
Period: 41 BCE to 25 BCE
Earth's Planetary Cooling
Around roughly 4.1 to 2.5 billion years ago, the Earth's began to cool down from the constant swirling molten surface. By the time of 2.5 billion years ago, the Earth had cooled down enough to become habitable or contain water. -
Period: 40 BCE to 37 BCE
The Late Heavy Bombardment
Around 4 to 3.7 billion years ago, the heavy bombardment against Earth occurred just a few billion years after the Earth's forming. After many years of bombardment against Earth's surfae, the late heavy bombardment ceased around 3.7 billion years ago. -
Period: 22 BCE to 15 BCE
Signs of Life are Present
Around 2.2 billion years ago, signs of life began emerging upon the Earth's surface. -
Period: 20 BCE to 5 BCE
Earth's Core is Formed and Cooled
Roughly during this time, the Earth's core begins to cool down just after the planetary accretion of the Earth. By the time of 0.5 billion years ago, the Earth's core cooled down to an acceptable temperture.