Leaf Erikson - Scandinavia
He discoverd North America. -
Barthalommule Dias sailed for Portugal
Saild southward to the tip of Africa. -
Christopher Columbus- Spain
His first trip to north America. He thought he reached Aisa until he died. He went with three ships la nina la pinta y la Santa Maria. -
Christopher Columbus - Spain( second voyage)
He sailed again for spain. He executed the natives there. -
Vasco da Gama -Portugal
Sailed around Africa to India -
Period: 1497 to 1524
John Cabot- England
looked for a northern route to Aisa and instead found New foundland -
Christopher Columbus- Spain (third voyage)
He sails to north America for the third time. -
Amerigo Vesguchi- Spain
Sails across the Atlantic and he explored the coast of South America. He discovered that Columbus discovered a new place not Aisa -
Pedro Alaverez Cubral- Portugal
He was going around Africa and he landed in Brazil. -
Christopher Columbus- Spain (Fourth America)
Christopher Columbus sails to North America for the fourth time. -
Vasco Numez de balba- spain
He traveled through North America and is the first European to see the Pacific Ocean. -
Juan Ponce de Leon- Spanish explorer
He explored present day Florida to find the fountain of Youth. -
Hernando Cortez- Spain
He is the person who conquered the Aztec Empire.He tried several times after finally winning. He burned all of his boats. -
Period: 1519 to 1522
Ferdian Megelin- Spain
He had 270 men on his voyage. He was the first European to circumnavigate the globe. Only 22 men survived the voyage -
Giovanni de Verrazano- France
Sent to look for a northern route through Aisia. He ended up exploring the coast of North America from Nova Scotia to the Carolinas. -
Period: 1528 to 1536
Alvar Nunes Cabeza de Vaca
Explored North America for the 7 cities of Gold. He went with his slave Estevanso. -
Fransicco Pizarro- Spain
He explored the Andes and conquered the Incas. There victories were helped by the spred of disease. -
Juacques Cartier- France
He sailed up the st. larence river and found a mountain peak that he named Mt. Royal -
Period: 1539 to 1542
Hernando De Soto
Explored Florida and found the Mississippi river. -
Period: 1540 to 1542
Fransisco Vasquez de Coronado
He went looking for the cities of gold and he found the grand canyon. -
Juan Cabrillo - Spain
He went from Mexico to California -
Henrey Hudson- Dutch
He tried find a passage through America bt instead found the Hudson river. -
Hernrey Hudson(voyage two)- England
He discovered the Hudson bay and thought it was the pacific ocean. He spent months looking for a outlet and then his crew ditched him. -
Louis Joliet- France
He canoed the mississippi river looking for precious metals in the northwest passage. -
Jauques marqette- France
canoed the mississippi river looking for precious metals -
Robert Caviliar de La Salle- France
He followed the misssissippi all the way to the golf of mexico. He claimed louisiana for France.