Aug 3, 1000
leif Ericsson
He was the first person to reach America from Europe under the King and Queen of Spain -
Jan 1, 1419
Prince Henry the Navigator
Henry is know to have done a great deal of exploration alongside the West Coast of Africa -
Jun 26, 1471
Francisco Pizarro
He was a conquistador who explored the Andes Mountains of South America. He also conquered the in a empire. -
Christopher Columbus
"discovered" america -
May 1, 1497
John Cabot
He sailed for the English in search for a passage to the pacific oceans along the coast of Canada and Newfoundland. -
May 20, 1498
Vasco da Gama
first person to sail directly from Europe to India -
Bartholomew Dias
was the first European mariner to sail around the southern tip of Africa -
Jan 1, 1501
america was named for Amerigo Vespucci who saild to South America in 1501 -
Vasco nunez de balboa
crossed central america to discover the pacific -
Apr 1, 1513
Juan Ponce de Leon
He explored present day Florida. Was looking for the "Fountain of Youth" -
Ferdinand Magellan
had a expedition in 1519 that circumnavigated the world -
Jan 1, 1519
Hernado Cortes
He was a Conquistador who explored mexico in 1519. He conquered the Aztec with technology, animals and disease -
Apr 20, 1534
Jacques Cartier
He sailed down the Saint Lawrence river all the way to present day Montreal. He also claimed land for France -
Mar 8, 1541
Hernando de Soto
His expedition became the first Europeans to see the Might Mississippi River and cross it. He and team explored most of South half of the Modern US. -
Jun 26, 1541
Francisco Pizarro
He was a conquistador who explored the Andes mountains of South America. And he conquered the Inca Empire -
Sep 28, 1542
Jaun Cabrillo
He was an Iberian maritime explorer, he is best knows for the investigation of the west coast or North America on the behalf of the Spanish empire. He also mapped the east cost. -
Sep 22, 1554
Francisco vasquez de coronado
He explored the North American in the southwest. He was also looking for the 7 city's of gold. And he discovered the Grand Canon -
Jan 1, 1572
Alvar Neues Cabeza de Vaca
He was accompanied by an estevanico( a slave ) and several others. He also explored North America looking for the "7 city's of gold" -
Henry Hudson
He sailed for the dutch once again but his time he sailed farther north. He was thrown off his own ship for wanting to go father in but his crew said it was far to cold for them so he got thrown off. That all the information we have because he never reported back to the dutch -
Henry Hudson
He lead the dutch expedition to present day New York in 1609. -
Rene-Robert De La Salle
He was the first European to travel the entire Mississippi River. He was a French Explorer