Early Explores

  • 1000

    lief Erickson sailed for the vikings

    First europeans to reach north america
  • 1488

    Bartolomeu dias sail for Portugal

    artolomeu dias 1488, sailed from Portugal southward and made it to the bottom of Africa ,Discovering the southern tip of Africa ,the cape good hope.
  • 1492

    Christopher Columbus

    Tried to reach asia by sailing west across the Atlantic and landed in the americas but believed he had reached asia
  • 1493

    Christopher Columbus sailed for spain

    his 2nd voyage to the Americas across the Atlantic ocean
  • 1497

    john cabot

    john cabot
    Italian to look for a northern sea route to Asia in 1497.
  • 1497

    vasco de gama sail for Portugal

    Vasco da gama in 1497 ,sailed all around africa and all the way to india
    Winning the european race for a sea route to asia
  • 1498

    Christopher Columbus sailed for spain

    his 3rd to the Americas across the Atlantic ocean
  • 1499

    Amerigo vespucci-sailed for spain

    Amerigo vespucci-sailed for spain
    he sailed on long the coast of south america .he took such good notes about the coast that mapmaker were convinced this was not Asia and named the new land america in his honor
  • 1500

    pedro alvrvres cabral sailed for portugal

    on his way around Africa he went to the wide and ended up in Brazil. south america
  • 1503

    Christopher Columbus sailed for spain

    his 4th voyage to the Americas across the Atlantic ocean
  • 1513

    vasco Nunez de balboa sailed for spain

    he travels thorough central america and is the 1st European to see the pacifistic ocean (largest ocean on the earth)
  • 1513

    Juan Ponce de leon sailed for spain

    explored present day Florida in 1513 looking for for the fountain of youth.
  • 1519

    herando corter-sailed for spain

    a conquistador who explore mexico in 1519.conquered the Aztec.
  • Period: 1520 to 1522

    Ferdinand Magellan sailed for spain

    1st European to circumnavigate the globe
  • Period: 1528 to 1536

    Alvarnunez cabeza de vaca-sailed for spain

    accpmpanied by estevanico (a slave) and others explored the north america southwest looking for the 7cities of gold
  • 1532

    Francisco Pizarro sailed for spain

    a conquistador who explored the Andes mountains of south america and conquered the Inca empire.
  • 1535

    Jacques Cartier sailed for spain

    Jacques Cartier sailed for spain
    he sailed up the st. Lawrence river hoping ti would lead to the pacific.
  • Period: 1539 to 1542

    hernandp de soto

    explore Florida and north Carolina discover Mississippi river
  • Period: 1540 to 1542

    Fancisco vasquez de cordonado- sailed for spain

    in north america southwest looking for cities of gold ,discover the grand canyon (in AZ)
  • 1542

    Juan Carrillo- sailed for Spain

    he explore up from mexico and goes into modern day California.
  • Jacques Marquette, Joliet Marquette-traveled the Mississippi river

    they hope to find precious metals and north west passage.
  • robert cavelier de la salle

    robert cavelier de la salle
    he followed the Mississippi all the way to the gulf of mexico.