early explorers

By webb.m
  • 1000

    leif erikson-viking

    first europen to reach america
  • Period: 1000 to

    early explorers

  • 1487

    bartholumu dias sailed for pourtugul

    he sailed to the bottem of africa and found the cape of good hope
  • 1492

    christopher colombus-spain

    saild to south america across the atlantic ocean
  • 1493

    christopher colombus-spain

    hi 2ed voyage to amrica across the alantic ocean
  • 1497

    vasco de gama sailed for poutugul

    first to sail around africa to asia
  • 1498

    chistopher columbus spain

    hi 3ed voyage to amrica across the alantic ocean
  • 1499

    armogo vispuci -spain

    saile along the coast of south america he took such good notes they relized it wasent america
  • 1500

    pedro alcras-poulrtogul

    on his way to africa he landed on brazil by accident
  • 1502

    chistopher columbus spain

    hi 4ed voyage to amrica across the alantic ocean
  • 1513

    vasco nuez-spain

    he sailed through central america first europen to see pacific america
  • 1513

    jane ponc deleon -spain

    thought flordia was the fountian of youth
  • 1519

    henando cortez-spain

    went to central america and concoued the aztecs
  • Period: 1519 to 1522

    ferdinan magellan

    first eurpean to cicumnavigate the globe
  • Period: 1528 to 1536

    alvar nunez-spain

    explored north america sowth west looking for 7 cities of gold
  • 1532

    farnsisco pizzaro-spain

    concoured the inca empire
  • Period: 1539 to 1542

    hernando de soto

    explored flordia and north carolina disscovered the foutian of youth
  • Period: 1540 to 1542

    fransisco vasquez-spain

    in north america sowth west looking for cities of gold discoverd grand caynoyn
  • 1542

    jaun cabrilo

    he explore dmexic and californa