Leif Eriksson
He was a viking sailor who left Scandinavia and landed in present-day Canada. He was the first European in North America. -
Bartolomeu Dias
Discovered southern tip of Africa and called it "The Cape of Good Hope." He was sponsored by Portugal. -
Christopher Columbus
He tried to get to Asia by sailing west across the Atlantic, but instead landed in the Americas. He was sponsored by Spain. -
John Cabot
He was sponsored by England. He was sent to look for a Northern sea route to Asia. -
Vasco da Gama
He found a sea route to Asia and sailed along the coast of Africa, all the way to India. He was sponsored by Portugal. -
Pedro Alvarez Cabral
He claimed the country of Brazil in South America for Portugal and set a settlement there. -
Amerigo Vespucci
He explored the coast of South America. His voyage was sponsored by Spain. -
Vasco Nunez de Balboa
He was the first European to see and claim the Pacific ocean for Spain. -
Juan Ponce de Leon
He was sponsored by Spain. He was the first person from Spain to land at Florida. He searched for "The Fountain of Youth." -
Hernan Cortes
He conquered the Aztec Empire and took their gold making him and Spain very rich. He was sponsored by Spain. -
Ferdinand Magellan
He sailed completly around the world or circumnavigated. He was sponsored by Portugal. -
Giovanni de Varrazano
He was sponsored by France. He was sent to look for another northern route. He explored present-day Nova Scotia to the Carolinas. -
Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca
He went to Florida, Mexico, then Texas. He enslaved an African named Estevanico and conquered Native Americans.He was sponsored by Spain. -
Francisco Pizarro
He conquered the Inca empire in Cuzco, Peru. He was sponsored by Spain. He took the riches that they had as well. -
Jacques Cartier
he was sponsored by France. He sailed up the St. Lawrence River hoping to make it to the Pacific and failed. -
Francisco Vasquez de Coronado
He was sponsored by Spain. He went through Mexico, Arizona, and New Mexico. He looked for gold but didn't find any. -
Hernando de Soto
He was sponsored by Spain. He crossed the Mississippi River. -
Juan Cabrillo
He was sponsored by Spain. He was the first to see what is now California. Rather than wealth, he gained knowledge from the Navive Americans there about economics. -
Henry Hudson
He was sponsored by the Netherlands. He found the Hudson River. The next year he found the Hudson bay. -
Louis Joliet and Jacques Marquette
They were sponsored by France. He sailed the Mississippi River looking for precious metals. -
Robert Cavelier de La Salle
He was sponsored by France. He sailed the Mississippi River to the Gulf of Mexico. He claimed the land for France, naming it Louisiana.