Leif Eriksson sponsored by Norway
Explored lands west of greenland -
Bartolomeu Dias sponsored by Portugual
In 1488 sailed from portugal southward made it to the bottom of africa discovering the southern tip of Africa, the cape of good hope -
Christopher Columbus sponsored by spain
Tried to reach Asia by sailing west across the Atlantic, landed in America but believed he reached Asia. -
Vasco Da Gama sponsored by portuguese
Sailed all around Africa and all the way to India winning the European race for a sea route to Asia -
John Cabot sponsored by England
Sent to look for Northern sea route to asia -
Amerigo Vesspucci sponsored by Spain
Explored the coast of South America. Vesspucci realized South America was a seperate continent and not apart of asia -
Apr 22, 1500
Pedro Alvares Cabral sponsored by portogual
planned to follow Da Gamas westward then southward course. Instead he went so far west he reached brazil -
Vasca Nunez balbo sponsored by Ferdinand
Balbo saw a vast body of water , which he claimed for Spain, along with the adjoining lands. The first European to see the pacific from America -
Juan Ponce de leon sponsored by Spain
Made the first Spanish landing on the East coats of present day Florida. He was not only looking for gold but also the fountain of youth -
Hernan Cortez sponsored by Spain
Landed on the east coast of presant day Mexico. Cortez conquered the Aztec empire that had ruled the region -
Sep 20, 1519
Ferdinand Magellan sponsored by Spain
He sailed through the stormy waters of a narrow sea passage or straight. the waters were peaceful (pacifico) so he named it pacific ocean -
Giovanni de Varrazano sponsored by France
Explored the coast of North America to present day Nova Scotia down to the Carolinas -
Alvar Nunez Cabeza de vaca sponsored by Spain
After coming into conflict with native Americans in Florida, the expedition sailed south toward Mexico -
Francisco Pizaro sponsored by Spain
Led an army into the Inca capital in Cuzco, Peru. The Spanish arrested and executed the Inca ruler -
Jacques Cartier sponsored by France
Sailed up st. Lawrence river hoping it would lead to the Pacific. Did not make it to the pacific but discovered a mountain peak and named it Mont royal -
francisco vasquez de coronado sponsored by spain
His travels took him through northern Mexico and present day Arizona and New Mexico until his expedition reached Zuni settlement -
Hernando de Soto sponsoerd by spain
Crossed the Mississippi river describing it as "swift and very deep". He traveld to present day oklahoma and died of a fever -
Juan Cabrillo sponsored by spain
FIrst Sighted what is now California -
Henry Hudson sponsored by the Dutch
Discovered a river that now bears his name. Eventually couldn't find passage to india and gave up. They sent him again and he found a bay that bears his name too. -
Louis Joliet and Jacques Marquette sponsored by france
Traveled Mississippi river by canoe hoping to find metals and Northwest passage they headed back when they seen Mississippi flowed into Gulf of Mexico -
Robert Cavelier de La Salle sponsored by France
Followed mississippi to the gulf. Claimed the region for France calling it lousianna