leif erickson vikings
1st European to reach n america -
cristopher columbus sailed to spain
1st trip sailed to north america even though he thought he was in asia -
Bartolomae dias sailed for Portugal
Vasco de gama sailed for portugal
christopher columbus sailed for spain
his 2nd voyage to the americas across the atlantic ocean -
cristopher columbus sailed to spain
his 3rd voyage to the americas across the atlantic ocean -
amerigo vespucci sailed for spain
sailed along the coast of s. america he took such good notes about the coast that the mapmakers were convinced this was not asia and named the new land america in his honor -
pedro alvares cabral sailed to Portugal
on his way around africa he went wide and ended up in brazil south america -
christopher columbus sailed for spain
his 4th and final voyage to the americas across the atlantic ocean -
vasco nunez de balboa sailed for spain
he travels through central america and is the first to see the pacific ocean -
jaun ponce de leon sailed to spain
explored present day florida looking for the fountain of youth -
hernando cortes sailed towards spain
a conquidor who explored mexico in 1519 conquered in aztec -
Period: 1520 to 1522
ferdinand magellian sailed for spain
1st european to circumnavigate the globe -
Period: 1528 to 1536
alvar nunez cabeza de vaca
accompianied by estevonsico a slave and others explored the north american looking for 7 cities of gold -
fransisco pizarro sailed to spain
a conquestador who explored the andes mountains of south america and conquered the inca empire -
Period: 1539 to 1542
hernando de soto sailed for spain
explored florida and north carilina and discovered the mississippie river -
Period: 1540 to 1542
fransisco vasquaez de coronada
in north american southwest looking for cities of gold discovered the grand canyon in az -
juan cabillio sailed for spain
he explored up from mexico and into modern day california