early explorers

  • 1000

    lef Ericsson

    first European to reach N america
  • 1487

    Bartholomew Diaz sailed for Portugal

    Deaz discovered the bottom of africa Vasco da gama in 1497, sailed all around africa and sailed farther away from the land because the trees and building slow the doat down because they are powered by wind
  • 1487

    vasco DE Gama sailed for Portugal

    Vasco da gama in 1497, sailed all around africa and sailed farther away from the land because the trees and building slow the doat down because they are powered by wind
  • 1493

    Christoper columbines sailed from spine

    1 trip sailed to north america across the Atlantic ocean he beveled he had reached Asia
  • 1498

    Christoper Colombians sailed from Spain

    his 2 voyage across the Atlantic ocean
  • 1499

    amerigo Vespucci- sailed for Spain

    amerigo Vespucci- sailed for Spain
    sailed along the coast of south america he took such good notes about the coast that mapmakers were convinced this was not Asia and named the land america in his honer
  • 1500

    Pedro Alvarez Cabral for Portugal

    on this way around Africa he went to wide and ended up in Brazil
    south America
  • 1502

    Christoper Columbus sails from spine

    his 4 and final voyage to Americas across the Atlantic ocean
  • 1513

    juan ponce de leone

    he went looking for the fountain of youth
  • 1513

    vasco Nunez de balboa sailed to Spain

    he traveled through central america and is the 1st European to see the Pacific ocean
  • 1520

    Ferdinand Maryellen-sailed for Spain

    he circumnavigated the globe.it took just under 3 years to do.
  • Period: 1528 to 1536

    alvar nunez cabeza devaca

    accomplished by estevanico a slave and others, explored the north american south west
  • 1532

    Francisco Pizarro- sailed to Spain

    he went to america and concord the Inca empire
  • Period: 1532 to 1543

    francico vascauz de cornardo

    north amartica found grand canyon
  • 1539

    hernando de soto

    explored Florida and north Carolina in 1539
  • 1542

    francisco vasquez de coronado

    in north american south west discovered the grand canyon