Early Explorer's

  • 1000

    Leif Ericsson: sponsored by the country of Scandinavia

    Leif Ericsson: sponsored by the country of Scandinavia
    Was the first European to land on north america specifically in what is now present day Canada.
  • 1488

    Bartholomew Dias; sail for the country of pourtugal

    Bartholomew Dias; sail for the country of pourtugal
    He sailed southward of Africa making it to the south tip of Africa.He called it the cape of good hope.
  • 1488

    Pedro Alvarez carbial: sponsored by Portugal

    Pedro Alvarez carbial: sponsored by Portugal
    He is known for finding Brazil in south america.He starts a settlement there in the name of Portugal.
  • 1492

    Christopher Columbus: sponsored by Spain

    Christopher Columbus: sponsored  by Spain
    Columbus sailed across the ocean blue looking for Asia and found the Americas thought it was Asia all the way until his death. Made 4 trips.
  • 1497

    vasco DA Gama

    vasco DA Gama
    vasco da gama got around africa and made it to india getting silk spice and made his country rich.
  • 1497

    John Cabot: sponsored by England

    John Cabot: sponsored by England
    England sent him to find a trade route to Asia. Cabot landed on new day New Newfoundland.
  • 1499

    Amerigo Vespucci: sponsored by Spain

    Amerigo Vespucci: sponsored by Spain
    He explored south america and realized it was not part of Asia and it was its own Continent.
  • 1513

    Vasco Nunez DE balboa: sponsored by Spain

    Vasco Nunez DE balboa: sponsored by Spain
    He is known for sailing to panama and finding the pacific ocean.
  • 1513

    Juan pounce de leon : sponsored by Spain

    Juan pounce de leon : sponsored by Spain
    Juan Made the first landing to present day Florida.
  • 1519

    Herman Cortes: sponsored by Spain

    Herman Cortes: sponsored by Spain
    Cortes landed on the east-coast of present day mexico. Within two years Cortes conquered the Aztec.
  • 1520

    Ferdinand Magellan: sponsored by Portugal

    Ferdinand Magellan: sponsored by Portugal
    He reached the southern tip of south american and believed to be the first person to circumnavigate the world.
  • 1524

    Giovanni de Varrazano: sponsored by france

    Giovanni de Varrazano: sponsored by france
    Explored the coast of north america from present day nova scotia to north Carolina.
  • 1528

    Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca: Sponsored by Spain

    Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca: Sponsored by Spain
    Alva was on the first expedition to Florida. fled due to natives then, he went down to mexico but landed in Texas due to a storm.
  • 1531

    Francisco Pizarro: sponsored by Spain

    Francisco Pizarro: sponsored by Spain
    Pizarro led a army into the Inca capital in cuzo, Peru
  • 1535

    Jacques Cartier: sponsored by France

    Jacques Cartier: sponsored by France
    Cartier sailed up the st Lawrence river, hoping it would lead to the pacific. it didn't but he discovered mount royal.
  • 1540

    Francisco Vasquez de Coronado: sponsored by Spain

    Francisco Vasquez de Coronado: sponsored by Spain
    Francisco Vasquez expedition took him north mexico into present day Arizona and mexico until he reached a settlement.
  • 1541

    Hernando de Soto: sponsored by Spain

    Hernando de Soto: sponsored by Spain
    Hermando sailed to Florida look and explore southeastern united sates for gold.
  • 1542

    Juan Cabrillo : sponsored by Spain

    Juan Cabrillo : sponsored by Spain
    Juan Cabrillo first sighted now California.
  • Henry Hudson: sponsored by netherlands

    Henry Hudson: sponsored by netherlands
    He sailed on the Hudson river and found Albany new York.He didn't find a route to India.
  • Louis Joliet and Jacques Marquette: sponsored by France

    Louis Joliet and Jacques Marquette: sponsored by France
    The two french explorers one a fur trader and the other a priest sailed the Mississippi by canoe
  • Robert Cavelier de La Salle : sponsored by France

    Robert Cavelier de La Salle : sponsored by France
    He followed the Mississippi all the way to the gulf of mexico. He claimed the region of France calling it Louisiana.