
Early Explorer's

  • 1488

    badoles dea ; saled for the contry of pure

    badoles dea ; saled for the contry of pure
    Traviled from portges tand made ton it the taip of africa
  • 1488

    vasco da gama; was a expoler for the contry of prtiges

    vasco da gama; was a expoler for the contry of prtiges
    wint around afric to get tom pirtiges
  • 1488

    pedo arares cabal sponserd by potugal

    pedo arares cabal sponserd by potugal
    he is known for landing i Brazil and south amaric.
  • 1497

    John Cabot

    an itilen that looked for the north routht
  • 1513

    juan ponce leon

    juan ponce leon
    made the frist spanish landing on the est coast of perstn day florida
  • 1513

    vasso nunez de balloa sponser by span

    vasso nunez de balloa sponser by span
    he laned in the presnt day sumagy he relased that there are two ocaes
  • 1519

    hernan cortes ;

    he landed on the estcost of new day mexico
  • 1519

    francisco pizarro

    francisco pizarro
    he landed a army into the capital in cuzco
  • 1524

    Giovanni de Varrazano

    Giovanni de Varrazano
    looked for a nothern rount
  • 1528

    avar nunez cabeaz de vaca

    avar nunez cabeaz de vaca
    was a part of the florida
  • 1539

    hernando de soto

    hernando de soto
    led an expoler to florida
  • 1544

    lef exisean sponser by the contry of

    lef exisean sponser by the contry of
    he is the frist eaparin to go aroubd the plase