Early Events of the Cold War

  • Buffer States of the U.S.S.R.

    Poland between other states between Germany and the Soviet Union have sometimes been described as buffer states, with reference both to when they were Non-communists states before World War 2, and to when they were communists states after World War 2.
  • Atomic Bomb

    Scientists first developed nuclear weapons during world war 2.
    The atomic bombs have only been used twice both by america
  • Molotov Plan

    The Molotov Plan was the system created by the Soviet Union
    in 1947 in order to provide aid to rebuild the countries in Eastern Europe that were politically and economically alligned to the Soviet Union.
  • The Truman Doctrine

    The Truman doctrine was an American foreign policy whose stated purpose was to counter Soviet geopolitical expansion during the Cold War.
  • Marshall Plan

    The Marshall Plan was an American initiative to aid Western Europe, The United States gave over 13 million dollars to them.
  • U.S. aid to Greece

    The extension of military and economic aid to Greece in 1947 plunged the United States into deep involvement in Greek affairs before American public opinion had any understanding of the difficulties that would be encountered under a policy of supporting free nations against aggression in distant parts of the World.
  • U.S. aid to Turkey

    Same as Aid to Greece
  • Berlin Airlift

    The Berlin Airlift: The End of the Blockade. It was clear that the Soviet blockade of West Berlin had failed. It had not persuaded West Berliners to reject their allies in the West, Nor had it prevented the creation of a unified West German state.
  • USSR gets Atomic Bomb

    It would only be a matter of months before the U.S.S.R exploded its own atomic bomb. TheSoviets successfully tested their first Nuclear device, called RSD-1 or "First Lightning".
  • Communists winching

    Will be remembered for ushering in political reform.
  • NATO established

    NATO's primary purpose was to unify and strengthen the Western Allies' military response to a possible invasion of western Europe by the Soviet Union and it's Warsaw Pact Allies.
  • Korean War

    The Korean War was a war between North Korea and South Korea. The war began when North Korea invaded South Korea following a series of clashes along the border.
  • Coup in Iran

    Was the overthrow of the Democratically elected Prime Minister.
  • Coup in Guatemala

    As the cold war heated up in the 1950's, the United States made decisions on foreign policy with the goal of containing communism.
  • Warsaw Pact formed

    The Soviet Union formed this alliance as a Counter Balance to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, a collective security alliance concluded between the United States, Canada and Western European Nations in 1949
  • Hungary Rebellion

    The Hungary Revolution of 1956 or the Hungarian Uprising of 1956 was a nationwide revolt against the communist government of the Hungarian People's Republic and its Soviet-imposed policies, lasting from 23 October until 10 November 1956.
  • Suez Canal crisis

    n 1956, Egyptian President Gamal Nassau seized the Suez Canal form its French and British owners, sparking an invasion by those Western Nations and their ally, Israel. The Suez Crisis became a cold war confrontation and a test of the United Nations.
  • Sputnik

    The worlds first artificial sattelite was about the size of a beach ball took about 98 minutes to orbit the earth.
  • Cuba-missile crisis

    During the Cuban Missile Crisis, Leaders of the U.S. and the soviet union engaged in a tense, 13-day political and military standoff in October 1962 over the installation of nuclear-armed Soviet missiles on Cuba, just 90 miles from U.S. shores.
  • China explodes Atomic Bombs

    The Peoples republic of China has developed and possesses weapons of mass destruction, including chemical and Nuclear weapons. The first of Chinas nuclear weapon tests took place in 1954.
  • Coup in Chile

    Salvador Allende appointed Augusto as commander in chief of the chilean army. Allende ws unaware that pinochet was plotting with the cia to remove him from power
  • Beginning of troops in Vietnam

    The Vietnam War also known as the second Indochina war and in Vietnam as the resistance War against America or simply the American War
  • End of Troops in Vietnam

    The paris Peace accords ended America's direct involvement in the Vietnam war.
  • Communist Angola

    Angola is known for its traditional ethnic art, which is enjoying a resurgence in popularity. The masks and statues of the Chowke people in the east are regarded as some of the finest wood carvings in Central Africa.
  • Sondinistas rise up in Nicaragua

    In 1979, The Sandinista Nation Liberation Front overthrew Anastasio Somoza Debayle, ending the Somoza dynasty, and established a Revolutionary government in Nicaragua.
  • Star wars

    Return of the jedi
  • Evil empire speech

    was first applied to the soviet union in 1983 by the president ronald reagan who took an aggressive, hard line stance
  • Iran Contra affair

    was a political affair in the united states that occurred during the second term of the Reagan administration.
  • Soviets invade afghanistan

    in the midst of the cold war, the sovieth 40th army invade afghanistam in order to prop up the communist government
  • Fall of the Berlin Wall

    The Berlin wall, during the early years of the cold war, West Berlin was a geographical loophole through the which thousands of East Germans fled to the Democratic West.
  • Fall of the USSR

    The Soviet disentegrated into fifteen separate countries. Its collapse was hailed by the west as a victory for freedom, a triumph of democracy
  • War in El savador

    The Salvadorian Civil war was a conflict between the military-led government of El Salvador and the Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front,