Early events leading to American documents

By djg65
  • Jun 15, 1215

    Magna Carta

    The Magna Carta was a document from the people to down size the power the king and share it with the barons. The king was forced to sign it. It was also used as example to make the Declaratton of Independence
  • Petition of Rights

    It was written by Sir edward Coke. It was because the people wanted fundmental rights from the king. Also made a reference of the Magna Carta.
  • English Bill of Rights

    the bill of rights had a huge influnce on North American colonies and the Constitution of the U.S. some things that were important were the free elections, freedom of speech in parliment, no armies should be raised in peacetime and no taxes could be leived without the authority of parliment
  • Stamp Act

    A act that imposed all American colonists and required them to pay a tax on every piece of printed paper they used. Which was repelled on March 18, 1766
  • Townshend Duties

    It was a series of 1767 laws named for Charles Townshend. It imposed a lot of taxes on many common things. It was repelled on March 5, 1770. Same day as the Boston Massacre
  • Boston Massarce

    It was a showdown between the American colonist and the Britians. It was only an exchange of words that the American colonist were not happy about the Townshend Duties. Which resulted in the death of six people.
  • Tea Act

    A bill which american colonist didnt buy tea from people, only a business from Eastern India. The reason they bought from them is because they lowered there prices really low. The act lead to the Boston Tea Party
  • 1st Continental Congress

    A meeting that took place in Phildelphia Sept. 5, 1774. The meeting involved important people in U.S. history like George Washington, John Adams, and Samuel Adams. The Reason they had these meeting was to protest against the Intolerable Acts.
  • 2nd Continental Congress

    Because of the incedent that happen in Concord which resulted in the "shot heard around the world", the U.S. ordered the 2nd Continental Congress. In the meeting the leaders made the Olive Branch Petition which would have made they independent without a revolution. But the king rejected it and sayed the colonies were in a state of rebellion
  • Common Sense

    It was pamphlet that Thomas Payne made. It talked about how the people from the colonies should question the king because if they live under him they would live in opression.
  • Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence was a document to say that the U.S. of America was free of Great Britian. Was written by Thomas Jefferson. Used the Magna Carta as a refernce. Also started the U.S. revolution