Early Embryonic Development: Day 1 - 56

  • Day 1

    Day 1
    Fertilization, zygote, Secretory Phase
  • Day 4

    Day 4
    Blastocyst hatches
  • Day 8

    Day 8
  • Day 13

    Day 13
    Chorionic Cavity
  • Day 18

    Day 18
    Neural neurogenesis, neural glove and folds are first seen
  • Day 23

    Day 23
    The Heart begins to beat and the first functioning embryonic organ formed.
  • Day 27

    Day 27
    The neural tube is normally completely closed, ventricular system now separated from amniotic fluid.
  • Day 31

    Day 31
    Head- 1st, 2nd and 3rd pharyngeal arch, forebrain, site of lens placode, site of otic placode, stomodeum
    Body- heart, liver, umbilical cord, mesonephric ridge visible externally as bulges.
  • Day 36

    Day 36
    The spine is starting to form, with the very beginnings of the central nervous system. Blood vessels are also forming into what will become the umbilical cord
  • Day 41

    Day 41
    Telencephalon areas of the future archicortex, paleocortex, and neocortex, become visible. smell olfactory nerve fibres enter the brain. Eyelid folds develop.
  • Day 48

    Day 48
    Skeletal muscle forms by fusion of mononucleated myoblasts to form multinucleated myotubes. Bone is formed through a lengthy process involving ossification of a cartilage formed from mesenchyme.
  • Day 50

    Day 50
    Scalp vascular plexus visible. Upper limbs begin to rotate ventrally
  • Day 53

    Day 53
    Fingers and Toes start to lengthen. Upper and lower limbs rotate.
  • Day 56

    Day 56
    The upper limbs longer and bent at elbow, hands and feet turned inward, foot with separated digits, wrist, hand with separated digits. Chorionic cavity is now lost by fusion with the expanding amniotic cavity