Jun 15, 1215
Magna Charta
The Magna Charta is document that was signed by King John in 1215 to ensure that the powers of authorty would be held to the same laws and principals as the common man. First document outlining the equality of all men -
Jamestown Settlement
The settlment of Jamestown in 1607 marked the first settlement in the new world that would go on to spread into the thirteen colonies and eventually the United States -
Mayflower Compact
A set ofrules established by the first people to come into the new world. This compact established a clear set of general rules and form of overnmetn for a new society. -
English Bill of Rights
An Act Declaring the Rights and Liberties of men and set up a form of parlimantary democracy to established laws. -
Albany Plan of Union
a plan to set the north american colonies under a more centralized government. -
Stamp Act
An act of Parliament hat imposed a tax on the colonies of British America and required that printed materials be made with paper produced and stamped in London. -
Boston Massacre
A riot against British soldiers that resulted in the shooting of an american citizen. Recognized as the first shot in the revolutionary war. -
Declaration of Independence
Documented adopted by the 13 Colonies which announced that the American colonies would be 13 soveriegn states, and no longer a part of the British Empire. They formed a new nation, the United States of America -
Shay's Rebellion
A rebeliion comprising of a farm hand militia lead by general Shay that viloently protested the opresentation of great britian in the colonies and their unfair taxation of the states.