Early Colonies by Mrs. Waters

By pwaters
  • Jan 1, 1577

    Drake sailed through the Strait of Megellan

    Drake explored the western coast of S. America, attacking Spanish towns and stealing supplies and gold. He evaded Spanish warships on the way back, by continuing his trip westward, around Africa, rather than crossing the Atlantic again.
  • Sir Water Raleigh brought colonists to Roanoke Island

    Colonists didn't plant crops, and the Native Americans stopped helping them after a while. They were starving by the end of the year. When Raleigh stopped by on one of his trips, he brought the starving settlers back to England.
  • Raleigh tried again

    He sent more colonists to Roanoke. They built a fort and planted crops right away. Vingina Dare was born! The colony was off to a great start!
  • Roanoke was deserted!

    Due to war, English ships didn't return to Roanoke for three years. Finally, in 1591, a ship visited, but found no sign of life anywhere. The only clue: CROATOAN carved on the doorpost of the fort.
  • Virginia Company of London was formed

    Group of English merchants shared the cost of starting a colony by forming a JOINT STOCK COMPANY. Each owner contributed part of the money required to start the colony, and each would get some of the profit if it succeeded. But each would share in the loss if it failed. They did this after seeing Sir Walter Raleigh lose all of his investment starting a colony on Roanoke Island.
  • Virginia Company sent 120 Men and boys from London

    They sailed in 3 ships bound for the Virginia coast.
  • Virginia Company ships reached the "New World"

    105 passengers arrived on the Virginia coast and sailed into Chesapeake Bay, following the water up a river. They settled on a riverbank, built a fort, and named the settlement "Jamestown" in honor of King James of England.
  • A supply ship arrives in Jamestown, and Smith takes over.

    Of the 105 who had arrived in Jamestown, all but 38 were dead by Christmas. A ship with fresh supplies kept the colony going. But it wasn't the only thing that did. John Smith became the new leader. He made everyone work, built good relationships with the Native Americans, and welcomed new settlers.
  • Smith is injured.

    Smith's gunpowder accidentally blew up, so he had to return to England. On top of that, the Virginia Company of London didn't send enough supplies that year. The winter of 1609-1610, called the "starving time," killed 440 of the 500 colonists in Jamestown.
  • The survivors decided to return to England

    They began sailing down the river towards the ocean, but were met by ships sailing up the ocean with fresh supplies and more than 300 new settlers. The survivors turned around and returned to Jamestown to try again.