Early Civilization Timeline

  • 30,000 BCE

    Natural land bridges started forming

  • 30,000 BCE

    Asian hunters arrived in the Americas

  • 10,000 BCE

    Natural land bridges were once again covered with water

  • 7000 BCE

    People in South America and central Mexico started to plant seeds to grow food

  • Period: 6000 BCE to 2000 BCE

    Inuits arrived

  • Period: 1300 BCE to 400 BCE

    Olmec Civilization

  • 1000 BCE

    First mounds were built

  • Period: 800 BCE to 100 BCE

    Adena People

  • Period: 300 BCE to 909

    Mayan Culture

  • Period: 100 BCE to 500

    Hopewell Mound Builders

  • Period: 1 CE to 1300

    Anasazi Culture

  • Period: 700 to

    Mississippian Civilization

  • 1000

    Cahokia established

  • 1100

    Aztecs settled in Valley of Mexico

  • 1325

    Aztecs moved Tenochtitian

  • Period: 1400 to 1572

    Inca Civilization

  • 1492

    Christopher Columbus landed in America

  • 1519

    Spanish conquistador, Herman Cortes led his soldiers to the Aztec civilization.

  • 1521

    The Spaniards defeated the Aztecs

  • 1533

    The Spanish invaded