30,000 BCE
Natural land bridges started forming
30,000 BCE
Asian hunters arrived in the Americas
10,000 BCE
Natural land bridges were once again covered with water
7000 BCE
People in South America and central Mexico started to plant seeds to grow food
Period: 6000 BCE to 2000 BCE
Inuits arrived
Period: 1300 BCE to 400 BCE
Olmec Civilization
1000 BCE
First mounds were built
Period: 800 BCE to 100 BCE
Adena People
Period: 300 BCE to 909
Mayan Culture
Period: 100 BCE to 500
Hopewell Mound Builders
Period: 1 CE to 1300
Anasazi Culture
Period: 700 to
Mississippian Civilization
Cahokia established
Aztecs settled in Valley of Mexico
Aztecs moved Tenochtitian
Period: 1400 to 1572
Inca Civilization
Christopher Columbus landed in America
Spanish conquistador, Herman Cortes led his soldiers to the Aztec civilization.
The Spaniards defeated the Aztecs
The Spanish invaded