Early CiViL rIgHtS mOvEmEnT

  • CORE

    Pacifists made this group to be non-violent, and interracial so that they could protest the ways of segregation.
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  • UN-Segregated School

    Unanimoous decision for schools to be unsegregated in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Thousands of African Americans boycott the public pus system in Montgomery, Alabama because of Rosa Parks.
  • Little Rock 9

    President Eisenhower sent troops to Little Rock, Arkansas, to make sure that the black kids are bale to get to school safe.
  • SCLC

    Martin Luther King and other clergymen made this group to combat racism, and to make peaceful protests rather than violent ones.
  • SNCC

    Ella Baker thought that the SCLC and the NAACP did not do enough for young African Americans, so she decided to make the SNCC group for young students.
  • Freedom Riders

    The Freedom Riders challenged segregation on buses.

    Eisenhower passed the Civil Rights act, eliminating segregation.