John Amos Comenus
Created first picture book for children- The Orbis. Supported home based early childhood education(7) -
Johann Pestalozzi- Pestalozzi Method
Children should learn through activities instead of just words and should have the opportunity to draw their own conclusions(1). -
Friedrich Froebel-Founder of the First Kindergarten
Froebel believed that children need to be active learners. He founded his own school calling it "kindergarten" or "children's garden". (5) -
Maria Montessori
Believed in adapting the environment to the child so that they can best learn. Created "prepared learning" environments.(8) -
The Perry Preschool Project
In Michigan 3-4 year olds (from low income families) participated in Perry Preschool. They found that children who were in a quality preschool ended up having higher incomes and less likely to be law breakers as adults(4). -
Head Start Created
Grants given to Head Start- preschool access to low income families(3) -
Even Start Program
Created to improve literacy of parents and families. Helps with adult literacy, early childhood education and literacy activities between parents and children (6). -
The Preschool for All Initiative
Obama's plan to expand access to high quality preschools for all children( a 1 billion investment). Helps low and mid income families(2).