Early childhood Edu

By sungran
  • Froebel opens first kindergarten in Germany

    Froebel opens first kindergarten in Germany
  • First public school kindergarten

    First public school kindergarten
    supported by superintendent William Harris, is directed by Susan Blow in St.Louis, Missouri.
  • Sigmund Freud

    Sigmund Freud
    the beginning of psychoanalysis and the emphasis on the importance of the first five years.
  • Gesell

    Publishes The Preschool Child , emphasizes the importance of the early years
  • The National Committee on Nursery School founded by Patty Hill

    The National Committee on Nursery School founded by Patty Hill
  • John B. Watson

    John B. Watson
    Publishes Psychological Care of Infant and Child
  • Erik Erikson

    Erik Erikson
    Childhood and Society, details, which Erikson's Eight Stages of Man, is published. Influencing early childhood education
  • Lawrence Kohlberg

    Lawrence Kohlberg
    Publishes child development works on the development of gender and sex roles and on moral development.

    publishes a report entitled "developmentally Appropriate Practices"
  • Leave No Child Behind

    Leave No Child Behind