Ponce De Leon
He found laflorida and he was succesful to find laflorida and finding the uth and he was the first conkeador to arive in laflorida. -
He sailed mexico and he broght 650 men and 16 horses with him then half of them got killed and he blew uo 2 of the ships and kept one so the men didn't get scared and and leave him alone to do it. -
Ponfib De Navez
They tried to steel people stuff and when they went to alabama he started a big war. -
De Soto
He tried to find gold a contrey he baddled with the native americans and him and his men 100 of them landed in tampa bay with his men. -
Christapher Columbus
He sailed 1492 he quickly made port in the conary island for final restocking and left there on september 6 he was in command of three ships: the pinto the nina and the santa maria.Yes he was successful. -
Amerigo Vespucci
On may 10 1497 he embarked on his first voyage he discovered present day rio de janeiro and rio de la plata.yes he was successful. -
vasco de gama
He subsequently made two other voyages to India, and was appointed as Portuguese viceroy in India in 1524. -
Inspired by the voyages of Christopher Columbus, Vasco Nunez de Balboa and other explorers, Magellan had devised a plan to find a westward-sailing, all-water route to the Spice Islands also called the Moluccas.