Pamphlets and propaganda
Between 1763 and 1783, about two thousand pamphlets were publised. -
Sep 8, 1492
The first of these writtings were the journals and letters of Christopher Columbus, which recounted his four voyages to the Americans begun in 1492. -
Early settelers
Thomas Harriots, "A brief and True Report of the New Found Land of Virgina" was published. -
Puritan Beliefs
Most settelers were Puritians -
The explorers
Samuel de Champlain, the "father of new france", who in the early 1600s wrote vivid accounts of New England and the Iroquios. -
From Colony to country
The first permant colony was established in jamestown. -
Puritan Beliefs
John Winthrop, wrote "we must consider that we shall be as a City upon a hill. The eyes of all people are upon us." -
The meeting of two worlds
William Wood of Massachusetts Bay Colony noted that the Native Americans"took the first ship they saw for walking island, the mast to be a tree, the sail white clouds." -
Puritain Poetry
The first book issued in the North American colonies was the "Bay Psalm Book" in 1640 -
Puritain Poetry
"The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up In America, was the first work by North American woman to be published. -
The enlightenment
There was a burst of intellectual energy taking place in Europe that came to be known as enlightenment. -
From colony to colony
English colonies strerched all along the Atlantic coast. -
Beggimg French and Indian War
End of French and Indian War
Patrick Henry thundered to the delegates at the second Virginia Convention. -
A break with england
The colonies declared themselves to be "free and independent" -
A break with england
Constitution was approved. United states of america was born.