Dec 1, 1271
Marco Polo
Marco Polo set sail in 1271 to meet the emporer in China with his dad and uncle. It was succsessful because they went around the tip of Europe and got to China. Here are soem facts about Marco Polo. Poeple made a game and named it after Marco Polo, It's called Marco Polo. Marco Polo was born in 1254 , in Venice, Italy. Much of his childhood was spent parentless. -
Dec 1, 1487
Bartolomeu Dias
Bartolomeu Dias set sail in 1487 to explor the coast of Africa and find a way to the Indian Ocean. It was not succsessful because he did not sail all the way around the southern tip of Africa. Bartolomeu Dias only sailed to the tip of Africa and then went back because he couldn't sail any longer because the waves were to big and it was hard to sail. He was born in 1450. He died on May 29, 1500 -
Aug 3, 1492
Christopher Columbus
Christopher Columbus sailed on Aug. 3, 1492 to find a new route to Asia going west. It was not succsessful because he found a new land (North America), and did not find a new route to Asia, but it was also succsessful because he did find a new land. When he went to find a new route to Asia he also wanted to prove that the world was not flat. Christopher Columbus was born in 1451 in the Republic of Genoa, Italy. -
Jul 8, 1497
Vasco Da Gama
Vasco Da Gama set sail on July 8, 1497. He went to go on a mission to reach India and open a sea route from Europe to the East. It was succsessful because he made it to the East from Europe like he was supposed to do. Vasco da Gama was born in Sines, Portugal, around 1460. He was the third son of Estêvão da Gama -
Dec 1, 1497
Giovanni Caboto
Giovanni Caboto set sail in 1497 to find a faster route to Asia for trade purposes. It was not succsessful because instead of finding a faster route to Asia he fond a new land which is now Canada. Giovanni Caboto's american named was John Cabot. Giovanni Caboto or John cabot was born in Italy around 1450. At age 11, his family moved to Venice. -
Dec 2, 1500
Alvares Cabral
Alvares Cabral set sail on March 9, 1500 to go on an expidition to India. It was not succsessful because he found a new land (Brazil) instead of finding a route to India. But it was succsessful in spite of finding the new land Brazil which it is called now. He was born into a wealthy family in Belmonte, Portugal, in 1467. He did manage to befriend a man named Vasco Da Gama -
May 14, 1501
Amerigo Vespucci
Amerigo Vespucci set sail on May 14, 1501 to prove that Columbus was wrong and he had found a new land not a route to Asia. He was succsessful because he proved that Columbus had found a new land which is now North America. Explorer Amerigo Vespucci was born March 9, 1451, in Florence, Italy. He died of malaria in Seville, Spain, on February 22, 1512. Vespucci and his parents, Ser Nastagio and Lisabetta Mini, were friends of the wealthy and tempestuous Medici family. -
Dec 2, 1513
Vasco Nunez De Balboa
Vasco Nunez De Balboa set sail in 1513 to go in search of gold. It was succsessful because he found gold and he sighted the Pacific Ocean. He born in Spain in 1475. Vasco Núñez de Balboa helped establish the town of Darién on the Isthmus of Panama. Ávila, reported that he was jealous of Balboa, and had him beheaded for treason in 1519. -
Dec 11, 1513
Ponce De Leon
He sail in 1513 and found Da Florida ( Flroida ). He went with Christopher Columbus on his 2nd voyage. -
Dec 11, 1518
Hernando Cortez
He brought a 600 fleet crew to Mexico. He blew up two of his ships so they wouldn't flee but left one ship to go back on. He started a war with teh Aztecs and took there leader. The leader got hit in the head with a rock and eventually died. They conqured the Aztecs land and their riches. -
Dec 2, 1519
Ferdinand Magellan
Ferdinand Magellan set sail in 1519 to discover a western sea route. It was succsessful because they made it there but only one ship returned hom after 3 years and only 18 of they fleets came back but originaly there were 270 fleets. Ferdinand Magellan was born in Portugal circa 1480. As a boy, he studied mapmaking and navigation. His parents were members of the Portuguese noble class. -
Dec 11, 1528
Ponfilo De Narveaz
HE wanted to take the Gulf of Mexico land but met a lot of Native Americans and killed most of them but lost their supplies and men in Alabama. Only four people survived. Narveaz did not survive. About 300 people and 40 horses went. -
Dec 12, 1539
Carnando De Soto
He went to go capture the south east in 1539. They were the first people to find the Mississippi River. They went there to find gold but nevre found any of the gold.