Dec 1, 1271
Marco Polo
Here are some facts about Marco Polo when he went on his first exploration. Marco Polo set sail in 1271. He wanted to find a faster way Asia since the Silk Road was closed. His journey was successful because he found a route to Asia. Maco Polo inspired other explorers to go on thier expeditions. I hope you enjoyed learning about Marco Polo! -
Dec 1, 1487
Bartolomeu Dias
Here are some facts about Bartolomeu Dias and when he went on his first exploration. He set sail in 1487 because King John II wanted him to find a route to India by water because there was people blocking the Silk Road. They made it more expensive to travel so they wanted to find a water route. The vogage was not successful because he turned back and didn't find India but he was the first person to reach to Southern tip of Africa. -
Dec 5, 1487
I hope you enjoyed learning about Dias. -
Aug 3, 1492
Christopher Columbus
Here are interesting things about Chrsitopher Columbus. Christopher Columbus set sail Aug. 3, 1492. He set sail because he wanted to find a quicker route to the Indies going west. His voyage was not successful because he found the America's but at the same time it was successful because he found new land (The America's). I hope you enjoyed learning about Columbus. -
Dec 1, 1497
Vasco De Gama
Here are some facts about De Gama and when he went on his first exploration. De Gama set sail in 1487. He set sail because he needed to find a way to India from Portugal for trading reasons. His vogage was successful because he reached India and made his exchanges. I hope you liked learning about De Gama! -
Dec 1, 1497
Giovanni Caboto
Here are some facts about Caboto's first exploration. Caboto set sail in 1497 because he wanted to find a route to Asia for trading reasons. His vogage was not successful because he didn't reach Asia. I hope you learned something about Giovanni Caboto. -
Dec 1, 1497
Amerigo Vespucci
Here are some facts about Amerigo Vespucci's first exploration. He first set sail in 1497 and ended in 1498. He wanted to find the America's and prove Christopher Columbus wrong. Yes, his journey was successful because he eventually found the America's by going up the Amazon River. I hope some of this information was useful. -
Mar 9, 1500
Alvarez Cabral
Here are some facts about Alvarez Cabral. He first set out on his journey on March 9, 1500. He wanted to sail across the ocean to claim South America for Portugal. His journey was successful because he found South America and claimed it for Portugal. I hope you learned something about Alvarez Cabral. -
Dec 1, 1513
Vasco Nunez de Balboa
Have you heard of Vasco Nunez De Balboa? If you havn't here are some facts about his first exploration. He first set sail in 1513. He went on this exploration because wanted to head south and find gold. His exploration was not successful because he did not find the gold he was lookig for, but he did find the Pacific Ocean. So it physically could be successful. I hope you learned more about Vasco Nunez de Balboa. -
Dec 11, 1513
Ponce de Leon
Ponce de Leon was the first conquer to arive in La Florida because he wanted to find "The Fountain of Youth" which was supposedly to make old people young again. He was also the first spainard to conquer part of North America. -
Dec 2, 1519
Ferdinand Magellan
Have you ever herd of Ferdinand Magellan? Well, if you havn't here are some facts about his first exploration. He first set sail in 1519. He went on his exploration because he needed to find a water route from Spain to the Spice Islands. His exploration was successful because his crew members made it to Asia and they were the first to travel around the world. He physically did not make it to Asia because he died while on his way there. He got killed while fighting the Native Americans. -
Dec 5, 1519
Ferdinand Magellan
I hope you enjoyed learning about Ferdinand Magellan's first exploration. -
Dec 11, 1519
Herdinando Cortez
Cortez wanted to find gold. He blew up all of his ships except for one because he was scared his crew was going flee. They did find riches in the Aztec Capital. Then they destroyed the Aztec Capital and made it to fit their spainard ways. -
Dec 11, 1528
Panfilo de Narvaez
Panfilo led a spanish expedition to La Florida. He mostly wanted to take over the Gulf Coast. He started with 300 men, but on his way there was some Native Americans and they went into war in Alabama. Only 4 men survived the war. Panfilo himself died in the war. -
Dec 11, 1539
De Soto
De Soto wanted to take over the Southeast. He was the first person to see the Mississippi. He claimed most of the land.