Early American Discrimination Timeline

  • Massacre at Mystic

    Massacre at Mystic
    The Mystic Massacre happened during the Pequot War, Captain John Mason and his men killed 500 Pequots.
  • The Scalp Act

    The Scalp Act
    In May of 1756, this act made it legal to sell scalps of natives for money
  • The 3/5ths Compromise

    The 3/5ths Compromise
    This determined that a slave was declared 3/5ths of a person.
  • Slave Trade Ends in the United States

    Slave Trade Ends in the United States
    Congress passed this law in 1808, declaring the slave trade illegal in the U.S.
  • Battle of Tippecanoe

    Battle of Tippecanoe
    This battle was between William Henry Harrison's army and Tecumseh's Indiana Territory Tribe, also known as the Shawnee. Tecumseh sadly lost the battle.
  • The Missouri Compromise

    The Missouri Compromise
    Declared that if slaves were moved from a slave state to a free state, they were free.
  • Indian Removal Act

    Indian Removal Act
    President Jackson granted land west of the Mississippi in exchange for Indian lands within existing state borders.
  • Trail of Tears

    Trail of Tears
    100,000 Native Americans moved to Oklahoma from Michigan, Louisiana, and Florida.
  • Nat Turner Rebellion

    Nat Turner Rebellion
    This Slave Rebellion took place in Southhampton County, Virginia.
  • The Fugitive Slave Act

    The Fugitive Slave Act
    Provided for the seizure and return of runaway slaves who escaped from the state into another or into federal territory.
  • Dred Scott Decision

    Dred Scott Decision
    This court decision held the Constitution didn't extend the rights to black people, meaning they did not have the right to be free in the North.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    This document by Abraham Lincoln declared that any slave from the South that made it to the North would be free.
  • 13th Amendment

    13th Amendment
    This amendment officially abolished slavery, making black people free.
  • 14th Amendment

    14th Amendment
    This amendment declared that if you were born in the U.S. you were a citizen of the U.S.
  • 15th Amendment

    15th Amendment
    This amendment gave black people the right to vote.
  • Battle of Little Bighorn

    Battle of Little Bighorn
    Also referred to as Custer's Last Stand, this battle would be the Native's biggest win during the war with the U.S.
  • Battle of Wounded Knee

    Battle of Wounded Knee
    A Massacre that killed three hundred Lakota Natives.
  • Plessy vs. Ferguson

    Plessy vs. Ferguson
    This Supreme Court case would lead to the segregation laws, also known as "separate but equal."