Early American Discrimination Timeline

  • Massacre at Mystic

    Massacre at Mystic
    The Mystic massacre also known as the Pequot massacre and the Battle of Mystic Fort took place during the Pequot War. This happened when a force from the Connecticut colony under Captain John Mason and their Narragansett and Mohegan allies set fire to the Pequot Fort near the Mystic River. A pre-dawn attack on Mystic Fort left 500 adults and children of the Pequot tribe dead, and left a three year war instigated by the Puritans to seize the tribe's traditional land.
  • Nat Turner Rebellion

    Nat Turner Rebellion
    Turner and his followers started at his master's house and killed the entire family. They marched throughout southampton county in Virginia killing at least 55 people until white authorities crushed the revolt. Turner avoided capture for nearly two months before he was caught.
  • Dred Scott Decision Case

    Dred Scott Decision Case
    The United States Supreme Court upheld slavery in United States territories and denied the legality of black citizenship in America. They declared the Missouri Compromise to be unconstitutional. The opinion also stated that Congress had no authority to ban slavery from a Federal territory.