Early American Discrimination Timeline

  • Massacre at Mystic

    Massacre at Mystic
    The Mystic Massacre of 1637 was also known as the Pequot Massacre. This massacre left 500 children, men women dead. The reason that the massacre happened was the English accused the Pequot tribe of murdering English traders.
  • The 3/5ths Compromise

    The 3/5ths Compromise
    The 3/5ths Compromise is where the slave population would be counted for determining direct taxation and representation in the House of Representatives.
  • Slave Trade Ends in the United States

    Slave Trade Ends in the United States
    The reason that the Slave Trade ended in the United States is that Congress passed an Act that made it illegal for Americans to participate in the Slave Trade.
  • Battle of Tippecanoe

    Battle of Tippecanoe
    The Battle of Tippecanoe was fought between the Native Americans and the Englishmen. The Shawnee chief named Tecumseh organized a group of Native Americans to fight against the Englishmen.
  • The Missouri Compromise

    The Missouri Compromise
    The Missouri Compromise is where it separates the northern states and the southern. This meant that slaves could go into the northern states and be free.
  • Indian Removal Act

    Indian Removal Act
    The Indian Removal Act was passed on May 28, 1830, by Andrew Jackson. The reason that the Indian Removal Act was passed was because they believed that it was their God-given right to extend westward, but the Native Americans were in the way, and they were not going to give the Englishmen their land.
  • Trail of Tears

    Trail of Tears
    The Trail of Tears was a path that President Andrew Jackson made nearly 125,000 Native Americans walk. He forced Native American tribes from Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, North Carolina, and Florida to move across the Mississippi River. The tribes that were moved were the Cherokee, Creek, and the Seminole.
  • Nat Turner Rebellion

    Nat Turner Rebellion
    Nat Turner's Rebellion is what set the passage of new laws. The Virginia legislature had a debate about ending slavery. Instead of ending slavery, they made it worse for them. So when that happened Mr. Turner gathered groups of black people. He told people that God had called him to free his people.
  • The Fugitive Slave Act

    The Fugitive Slave Act
    The Fugitive Slave Act is an Act that required slaves that went to a free state must return to his or her owners.
  • Dred Scott Decision

    Dred Scott Decision
    The decision of 1857 stunned the whole nation. It upheld slavery in U.S. territories. It denied black people citizenship. The decision also declared that the Missouri Compromise unconstitutional.
    "Dred Scott, a man of color, respectfully states. he is claimed as a slave."
    (Petition to Sue for Freedom, 6 April 1846)
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    The Emancipation Proclamation was to confirm that it was a war of freedom. It also added more force to the Union so it could strengthen its military and help politically
  • The 13th Amendment

    The 13th Amendment
    The 13th Amendment was the abolishment of slavery.
  • The14th Amendment

    The14th Amendment
    The 14th Amendment gives citizenship to all people born and naturalized in the U.S. Including formally enslaved people.
  • The15th Amendment

    The15th Amendment
    The 15th Amendment was created to give African-American men the right to vote.
  • Battle of Little Bighorn

    Battle of Little Bighorn
    The Battle of Little Bighorn was known as the victory for the Lakota and Cheyenne. The reason for Custer's defeat was that he decided to split up his troops.
  • Battle of Wounded Knee

    Battle of Wounded Knee
    The Battle of Wounded Knee was the slaughter of approximately 150–300 Lakota Indians. The place where the Lakota Indians were slaughtered was southwestern South Dakota.
  • Plessy vs. Ferguson

    Plessy vs. Ferguson
    This created the law that said that black and white people are equal but have to separate. They could not use the same bathrooms or water fountains.