Massacre at Mystic
It was when a military group from the colony of Connecticut and they set fire to a Pequot village. -
The Scalp Act
It was a law passed to make killing Indians legal for cash. -
The 3/5ths Compromise
They started the 3/5ths compromise to count the population and so they didn't have to count black people as real individuals. -
Battle of Tippecanoe
It was fought between American soldiers and Native American warriors along the banks of the Keith-tip-pe-can-nunk River in central Indiana. The Indians called for a cease fire and in the night they started chanting war songs and started the battle. -
The Missouri Compromise
The Missouri Compromise was put in place to make Missouri a slave state and to make Mane free this was to keep balance. -
The Trial of tears
The Trail of Tears was a 20-year time period between 1830 to 1850 and it was a forced migration of native Americans westward for land for Americans. -
Indian Removal Act
This was where the president offered up land west of Mississippi in exchange of the land bordering the states. -
Nat Turner Rebellion
Nat Turner led a slave rebellion that was the biggest in history and they went and killed 55 white people all over the course of one day in Southampton county. -
The Fugitive Slave Act
This act said that slaves who escaped to the North had to be returned to their masters in the South. -
Dred Scott Decision
It was a court case that made it all the way to the Supreme Court and it was ruled that enslaved people were not citizens of the United States and thus they could not receive any protection from the United States. -
Emancipation Proclamation
It stated that all people held as slaves are now free. -
Slave Trade Ends in the United States
Slavery was abolished and made illegal in 1865 so no one could own any slaves. -
13th Amendment
It made it illegal to own slaves in any state or territory unless as a punishment. -
14th Amendment
No state shall make or enforce any law that goes against privileges and rights of citizens. -
15th Amendment
This prohibited the government or states from denying anyone the privilege to vote based on race. -
Battle of Little Bighorn
The battle took place in the southern parts of Montana and It was between Cheyenne and The 7th regiment. -
Battle of Wounded Knee
It was a battle between the Akota tribe and the US military and there were nearly 300 who died and it was considered a masacre. -
Plessy vs. Ferguson
It proved that racial segregation laws were legal just as long as they were equal.