Period: 30,000 BCE to 10,000 BCE
Natural land bridges form
Period: 10,000 BCE to 10,000 BCE
Natural Land Bridges flood
Period: 3000 BCE to 1200 BCE
Mound Builders lived in eastern US
Period: 1438 BCE to 1572 BCE
Inca Civilization living period
Period: 1428 BCE to 1428 BCE
Three Way Alliance between Aztecs and Texoccans
Period: 1420 BCE to 1420 BCE
First Aztec City Built
Period: 1300 BCE to 400 BCE
Olmec people lived off Gulf Coast
Period: 1200 BCE to 1521 BCE
Aztec People Lived in Central America and Mexico
Period: 1200 BCE to 1572 BCE
Incas lived in South America/along Andes
Period: 1100 BCE to 1541 BCE
Mississippians lived Mississippi/Ohio Valley
Period: 1000 BCE to 1000 BCE
First Mounds from Mound Builders Found
Period: 1000 BCE to 1000 BCE
Cahokia lived along Mississippi River
Period: 700 BCE to 1600 BCE
Mississippian Civilization living period
Period: 400 BCE to 1517 BCE
Mayans came to Central America
Period: 300 BCE to 900 BCE
Mayan Civilization living period
Period: 300 BCE to 1521 BCE
Aztec Civilzation living period
Period: 200 BCE to 500 BCE
Hopewell People were Mound Builders
Period: 1 BCE to 1300 BCE
Anasazi lived n Four Corners
Period: 1 BCE to 1300 BCE
Anasazi Civilization living period
Period: 1500 to 1500
Europeans showed up