
Early America

  • Oct 14, 1451

    Christopher Columbus

    Christopher Columbus
    He did discover America. Christopher was a sailer and a mapmaker. Christopher Columbus was trying to sail to Asia but he didn't succed.
  • Jan 1, 1519

    Ferdinand Magellan

    Ferdinand Magellan
    He was the first explorer to travel around the world. Don't know exact date.
  • Roanoke Island

    Roanoke Island
    Queen Elizabeth sent a group of people from her town to Roanoke Island off the coast of North Carolina.This was the first of three attempets. Roanoke Island is important becuase it shows us that the people tried to settle there but they faild many times. Many people died but the Europeans never gave up.
  • Dutch Colonies and French Explorers

    They explored the rivers in the U.S. Back then New York was called New Amesterdam.
  • Jamestown

    The exact date is uncertian. It was the first succsful english settlement. It was also the birth place of America.
  • Henrey Hudson

    Henrey Hudson
    The date is the day he died. The date is unknown when he was born. Henrey Hudson was a english explorer.
  • John Rolfe

    John Rolfe
    Don't know excat date when they settled in Jamestown. He brought tobacco sweeter tobacco to Jamestown.
  • Slavery in the New World

    Slavery in the New World
    In Jamestown there were slaves lots of them to. The slaves were not treated good at all. The important thing about slavery is that slaves were here from the begining.
  • The Mayflower

    The Mayflower
    They started there trip September 6, 1620 and land at Plymouth rock on November 11,1620. The pilgrims ship that brought the people her for freedom of religon.
  • Benjamin Franklin

    Benjamin Franklin
    Benjamin Franklin was a founding father. He made our country better in many ways.
  • Goerge Whasington

    Goerge Whasington
    George Whasington was 67 years old on December 14,1799. He was born in Virgina.
  • Paul Revere

    Paul Revere
    Paul Revere died on May 10th, 1818. He was a silversmith and a dentist. Paul Revere made the Midnight Ride. He also made the Bloody Massacre.
  • Thomas Jefferson

    Thomas Jefferson
    He was the 3rd President ogf America. He improved the moldbor plows, clocks, beds, sundials, and ect. He helped write the Declaraction of Independece.
  • The Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre
    The Boston Massacre took place on King Street. The Red Coats were fighting the people and were hiting them with there fist fits, snowballs, and sticks.
  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party
    The Boston Tea Party happened at the Boston Harbor. The patriots stood up to a king. The Boston tea party lead to the Revoulitionary War.
  • Interolerable Acts

    Interolerable Acts
    1 year after 1774 the Boston Tea Party happened.
  • Battles of Lexington and Concord

    Battles of Lexington and Concord
    Brithish and America started the Revoulitionary War.
  • William Howe

    William Howe
    William Howe was a commander of Brithish forces.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle of Bunker Hill
    Americans lost, but British lost lots of there people. While British slept the Americans built a 6 foot wall.
  • Valley Forge

    Valley Forge
    Valley Forge ended in 1778. The men that went there trained almost all the time. Valley Forge saved hundreds of lives.
  • The Siege of Yorktown

    The Siege of Yorktown
    The Siege of Yorktown started in September and ended on October 19th 1781. It was the last battle of the Revoulitionary War.
  • Leif Erickson

    Leif Erickson has a unknown birthday. He killed a neighbor. Leif Erickson discovered America 400 years before Christopher Columbus did.