Oct 1, 1451
christopher columbus is born
exact day not found -
Jan 1, 1480
Ferdinand Magellan Born
Ferdinand is important because he sailed all the way around the world exact day and month not told -
Jan 1, 1492
christopher columbus discovered america
exact day and month not told -
Period: Jan 1, 1519 to Jan 1, 1522
Ferndinand Magellan Sailed around the world
Apr 27, 1521
ferdinand magellan died
Jan 1, 1560
Henry Hudson Born
Henry Hudson was a great sea explorer -
Jamestown founded
Jamestown was very important to the colonies because it was the first sucessfull settlement in America -
Period: to
Paul Revere lived
The Boston Massacare
The boston massacre was the start to the revalutionary war -
Lexington And Concord
The Americans and British Faught in the wars of Lexington and Concord and the Americans won the war. -
benjamin franklin born
Winter at valley forge
This winter proved the Britsh soldiers the Americans can do anything. -
Sir William Howe Born
Leif Erickson Born
Leif Ericson dicoverd america way before columbus did thats why they say Christopher Columbus "discoverd" America.