Early America

  • Roanoke Island

    Roanoke Island
  • Spanish Armada defeated

    Spanish Armada defeated
  • Jamestown

  • Tobacco saves the colony

    Tobacco saves the colony
    by 1616, the Virginia Company had spent more than 50,000 English pounds--an immense sum for that time.
  • Colonists can own land

    Colonists can own land
  • House of Burgesses meets

    House of Burgesses meets
  • Dutch bring Africans

    Dutch bring Africans
  • Virginia Company sends women

    Virginia Company sends women
  • King James declares Royal Colony

  • Bacon's Rebellion

    Bacon's Rebellion
    Whhen Berkely protested, Bacon marched his armed followers to Jamestown in a revolt called Bacon's Rebellion. In September 1676, they drove out the governor and burned the town.