Early 16th Century Art

  • Jan 1, 1500

    The Last Supper

    The Last Supper
    Artist: Leonardo Da Vinci
    Medium: Mural
  • 1500

    San Pietro in Montorio

    San Pietro in Montorio
    Artist: Donato Bramante
    Medium: Architecture
  • 1500

    Head of an Oba

    Head of an Oba
    Exact Date Unknown, but produced in the 16th century
    Artist Unknown
    Medium: Brass
    Country of Origin: Benin
  • 1500

    Bird Peddler

    Bird Peddler
    Artist Unknown
    Exact Date Unknown
    Country of Origin: China
  • Period: 1500 to 1540

    Early 16th Century

    This time period marks both the High Renaissance in Italy and the beginning of the Reformation in Germany. I've also included art from a couple other places to round out the selection.
  • 1502


    Artist: Donato Bramante
    Medium: Architecture
  • 1504


    Artist: Michelangelo
    Medium: Sculpture
  • 1504

    The Vision of St. Bernard

    The Vision of St. Bernard
    Artist: Fra Batolomeo
    Medium: Oil on Wood
  • 1504

    White Robed Kannon, Bodhisattva of Compassion

    White Robed Kannon, Bodhisattva of Compassion
    Artist: Kano Motonobu
    Medium: Ink and color on paper
  • 1506

    Mona Lisa

    Mona Lisa
    Artist: Leonardo da Vinci
    Medium: Oil on poplar panel
  • 1511

    The School of Athens

    The School of Athens
    Artist: Raphael
    Medium: Fresco
  • 1511

    In Praise of Folly

    In Praise of Folly
    Writer: Desiderius Erasmus
  • 1514

    Sacred and Profane Love

    Sacred and Profane Love
    Artist: Titian
    Medium: Oil on canvas
  • 1516

    Isenhaim Altarpiece

    Isenhaim Altarpiece
    Artists: Nikolaus of Haguenau and Matthias Grunewald
    Medium: Sculpture and Painting Changes image depending on which wings of the altar are opened.
  • 1517

    Ninety-five Theses

    Ninety-five Theses
    Writer: Martin Luther Written to express theological grievances with the Catholic Church, helped to start the Reformation movement.
  • 1517

    Crucifix of Botticino

    Crucifix of Botticino
    Artist: Maffeo Olivieri
    Medium: Sculpture
  • 1518

    Saint Jerome

    Saint Jerome
    Artist: Antonio de Correggio
    Medium: Oil on Wood
  • 1519

    The Raising of Lazarus

    The Raising of Lazarus
    Artist: Sebastiano del Piombo
    Medium: Oil on Wood
  • 1520


    Artist: Raphael
    Medium: Tempera on wood
  • 1522

    Luther Bible

    Luther Bible
    Writer: Martin Luther First translation of the Bible into the common language.
  • 1532

    The Prince

    The Prince
    Writer: Niccolo Machiavelli