E-Learning 04/22

  • Serbia

    In 1908, Austria took over, Bosnia and Herzegovina, two Balkan areas with large Slavic populations. Serbia was outraged
  • Ferdinand Assassination

    Ferdinand Assassination
    Franz Ferdinand and his wife were assassinated by Gavrilo Princip, a 19-year-old Serbian and member of the Black Hand Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia
    Russia supported Serbia (had an alliance)
    Germany supported Austria-Hungary (had an alliance)
    Germany declared war on Russia
  • Germany attacks America

    Germany attacks America
    In 1915, a German U-boat, or submarine, sank the Lusitania, a British Passenger Ship killing 120 Americans
  • America Joins the War

    America Joins the War
    US entered war on side of Allied Powers on April 2, 1917
  • Paris Peace Conference

    Paris Peace Conference
    On January 18, 1919, the Paris Peace Conference began
    Britain and France did not agree with Wilson's vision, instead wanting to strip Germany of its war-making power
  • Russia becomes part of Soviet Union

    Russia becomes part of Soviet Union
    In 1922, Russia reunited with several neighboring lands and became part of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (Soviet Union)