E-Commerce Timeline Assignment

  • ARPA

    ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency) goes online in December, connecting four major U.S. universities. Designed for research, education, and government organizations, it provides a communications network linking the country in the event that a military attack destroys conventional communications systems.
    Thus making the internet more advanced & more people will use it.
  • E-Mail was made

    E-Mail was made
    Electronic mail is introduced by Ray Tomlinson, a Cambridge, Mass., computer scientist. He uses the @ to distinguish between the sender's name and network name in the email address.
    Thus making it easier for busniesses to get intouch with their customers.
  • World "Internet" made

    World "Internet" made
    Where i got my infoThe word “Internet” is used for the first time.
    Thus expanding the number of customers reachable on the internet.
  • DNS established

    DNS established
    Where I got my infoDomain Name System (DNS) is established, with network addresses identified by extensions such as .com, .org, and .edu.
    Writer William Gibson coins the term “cyberspace.”
    Thus making the internet more adavances and making more customers want to shop online.
  • Virus

    Where i got my infoA virus called the Internet Worm temporarily shuts down about 10% of the world's Internet servers.
    Thus helping build our internet services and making them better , so that people that use the internet will have a better experience.
  • Provide internet

    Provide internet
    The World (world.std.com) debuts as the first provider of dial-up Internet access for consumers.
    Thus making the number of customers reachable on the internet bigger.
  • More people using the internet

    More people using the internet
    Where i got my infoApproximately 45 million people are using the Internet, with roughly 30 million of those in North America (United States and Canada), 9 million in Europe, and 6 million in Asia/Pacific (Australia, Japan, etc.). 43.2 million (44%) U.S. households own a personal computer, and 14 million of them are online.
    Thus creating more e-commerce and making it as popular as it is today.
  • Napster and MySpace

    Napster and MySpace
    Where i got my informationCollege student Shawn Fanning invents Napster, a computer application that allows users to swap music over the Internet.
    The number of Internet users worldwide reaches 150 million by the beginning of 1999. More than 50% are from the United States.
    “E-commerce” becomes the new buzzword as Internet shopping rapidly spreads.
    MySpace.com is launched.
    These busniesses were what started the social network craze that we have now.
  • Virus and Online Shopping

    Virus and Online Shopping
    Where i got my infoInternet Worm, called MyDoom or Novarg, spreads through Internet servers. About 1 in 12 email messages are infected.
    Online spending reaches a record high—$117 billion in 2004, a 26% increase over 2003.
    Thus advancing e-commerece because it was the start of the love for online shopping.
  • Start of YouTube

    Start of YouTube
    Where i got my infoYouTube.com is launched.
    Thus advancing e-commere becasue YouTube became very popular so it was a great place for busniesses to put an ad.