E clarkson period 7
Geological Timescale -
ice age ending and the first humans appearing.
quaternary period and the holocene and plesoscene epochs -
the cenzoic age of mammals
quaternary and teriary periods in this era -
the first kind of humans appeared.
piloscene -
Hominid appeared
piloscene period -
grass became widespread.
miocene epoch -
mammals dominate.
oligocene -
extinction event.
eocene -
The first large mammals roamed the earth.
pliocene epoch -
earth gets closer to prehistoric.
cretaceous period -
the first birds appear
jurassic period -
pangea comes to the world.
triassic period -
pangea fully forms.
permian period -
first reptiles and land animals.
carboniferous period -
first insects appeared
pevonion period -
vertebrates appear
silurian period -
first shelled animals.
ordovian period -
much more underwater life.
cambrian period -
atmosphere and ocean forms.
hadean period