Ships Sent to Fort Sumter Fired Upon
President Buchanan had sent a ship carrying men and supplies to FOrt Sumter, but was fired upon by South Carolina gunners. -
Ships Sent to Fort Sumter Gunned Down
President Buchanan had sent a ship carrying men and supplies to Fort Sumter, but was fired upon by South Carolina gunners. -
Confederate States of America
The states that seceded from the Union (South Caeolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana) formed a new nation, the Confederate States of America. -
Lincoln Sends Relief Ships to Fort Sumter
Lincoln announced he was going to send a relief expeditions to Fort Sumter and Fort PIckers. -
Lincoln Sends Relief
Lincoln announced he was going to send relief expeditions to Fort Sumter and Fort PIckers. -
Start of the Civil War
Confederates attacked Fort Sumter and started the Civil War. -
Start of Civil War
Confederates attacked Fort Sumpter and started the Civil War. -
President Lincoln calls for more Soldiers
President Lincoln called on the states to provide 75,000 militiamen for 90 days. -
Lincoln Becomes President
Lincoln becomes president. -
Confederates Refit the Merrimack
The Confederates took the captured Union Merrimack and refitted it with iron sides. -
Increase In Price
The prices on everything was increasing. -
Union is Unprepared
The Union was unprepared for war, the soldiers had little training and many were city residents who had never ridden a horse or fired a gun, unlike the SOuthern soldiers. -
Confederate Congress's Capital
The Confederate Congress voted to set up it's capital in Richmond, Virginia, only 100 miles from the Union capital of Washington D.C. -
Union Marches to Manassas
Union troops began to march to Manassas. It took them 3 days to reach the battle sight. -
Union Takes Tennessee
Union General Ulysses S. Grant made a bold move to take Tennessee. -
Battle at Pea Ridge
The Confederate and Union armies collide at Pea Ridge, near the Arkansass-Missouri border. -
Merrimak Destroys Union Ships
Southerners were ssent into action off the coast of Virginia. the Merrimack destroyed two wooden Union ships and ran anouther aground. -
Battle of Shiloh
Albert S. Johnston, a Confederate commander on the western front, surprised the Union forces at the Battle of Shiloh, the fiercest fight in the Civil War had seen yet. The Union won. -
Union Takes New Orleans
Union fleet led by David Ferragut took New Orleans. -
Seven Day's War
In the spring of 1862, the Seven Day's War took place when McCellan planned to attack Richmond,. When Lee's army of Northern Virginia and McCellan;s army clashed, it became known as the Seven Day's Battle. -
Harbors Under Union Control
The Union had control of almost every important Atlantic harbor. -
Union is Invaded
In fall 1862, General Lee decided to invade the Union. -
Women Become part of the Confederacy
Women nurses were accepted as part of the Confederacy. -
Battle of Antietam
Battle of Antietam took place, the bloodiest battle of the warm it was a political win for the Union. -
Ambrose Burnside
Ambrose Buenside lost his job as a commander of the army of the Potomac after Lee defeated him at Fredericksburg, Virginia. -
Emancipation Proclamation
Lincoln announced he would free all slaves in the rebelling states, and he issued the Emancipation Proclamation. -
Attempt to Capture Fort Wagner
Free blacks in Loisiana, Kansas and others formed their own units. One of these units gained fame for attempting to capture Fort Wagner in South Carolina. -
NYC Draft Riot
Protestors against the draft (a system for choosing people for military service) battled police and soldiers in the streets of New York City. -
Confederates Lose Battle OF Gettysburg Due to Technology
The Confederates lost the Battle of Gettysburg partly because new technology had amde Lee's tactics outdated. Old muskets had been replaced by new, accurate rifles. -
Gettysburg Address
Gettysburg Address -
Free Black Make Their Own Units
Free blacks in Louisiana, Kansas and South Carolina Sea Inslands formed their own units in the U.S. army. -
Battle of Vicksburg
Battle of Vicksburg ended after a three month siege when General Grant had finally taken Vicksburg. The victory gave the Union complete conttrol over the Mississippi. The COnfederacy had been cut in half. -
Presidnet Lincoln Goes to Gettysburg Cementery
President Lincoln went on the sad trip to the Pennsylvanian town of Gettysburg to dedicate the cementery were about 6,000 lay buried. -
Sherman's March Through Georgia
Sherman took Atlanta, and he was the first to wage total war. This kind of war was not only to destroy enemy troops, buttheir factories, farmland, railroads and livestock. -
Confederacy Surrenders
Lee and Grant arranged the terms of surrender. The Union had defeated the Confederacy in the Civil War. The Confederacy surrenders. -
Lincoln's Assasination
President Lincoln had been assasinated. John Wilkes Booth, a Confederate supporter, went to the theater and shot Lincoln. Booth escaped but was later killed by soldiers sent to capture him. -
Union Army Twice the Size of Confederate
Grant's army was twice the size of Lee's. The Union was becoming closer to victory. -
Civil War Changes the Nation
The Civil War changed the way Americans thought about their nation, it helped the federal government expand, and it helped the growth of industries.